Monday, February 6, 2017

What a beautiful day!!!! sun shiny & warm!!!!!

Dearest Family
     What a beautiful day!!!! sun shiny & warm!!!!!    The temperature reached 50 degrees today - boy are we seeing the snow melt!  The 15 mph wind is just evaporating it all away!  We have had a week of fine snow falling for three days & temps below 25 degrees so this was really a change!
     Had a nice day attending church in the Cowley 1st Ward.  This afternoon we did a training session via Skype with a new High Priest Leader in Powell. Very enjoyable! 

      We had quite an experience with the Peters' this week - He had a gggrandfather who after the death of his first wife at age 50+ married a much younger wife, age 22.   Then he died after the birth of their 5th child.  She then married her step son, his son, who was just 6 years younger than her. They then had 2 more children. Indexed marriage records were the thing which helped us find the answers.    Indexing is such an amazing thing, so fascinating & helps us learn about our families. Oh, my, what interesting webs we weave in this life!  So thankful for the inspiration to find & learn of the interesting lives of these people.It has been a special week, Skyping with several, phone training sessions & working with people here. 

      Enjoyed fishing over at Deaver on Monday, no fish but beautiful sunshine! The ice was still 18" due to the snow cover.   One morning there were 6 head of white tail bucks here in the sagebrush field east of the house - our breakfast entertainment!   Enjoyed one  of Talon's basketball games.   Watched several others on TV plus a BYU men's volleyball & Basketball game.  Attended Neil Hopkin funeral on Sat morning, a large crowd and wonderful service. They used are horse drawn wagon to take his casket to the Lovell cemetery.
       Brindle & Paisley are growing!   Cozy is growing also, but has good days & not so good days!   We just always pray for more good days. The weather forecast is showing 40's for next weekend when we will be in Bozeman for stake conference. Our prayers are being answered! We will be staying with the stake president's family. 

Our Love to all of you! Mom & Dad

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