Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year to each of you!

Dearest Family,
     Happy New Year to each of you!
     Happy 2nd Anniversary to Lindsay & Connor on Tuesday, Jan 3rd.  Then if all goes as planned, the delivery date for their twins is on January 8th, but we all know baby's have minds of their own! Happy Birthday on Thursday to McKinzea!  Hope you have a great day!  
     Kirena's Friday post - about Cozy Dec 30,2016 & a picture! · 
🎈Happy Two Weeks, little girl. We are so proud of your strength and bravery. Keep growing, tiny cub.

     Well, every week is special & this one has been no different!    Dad felt inspired to call a Bishop that we had been trying to talk with for several months!  This was the perfect week!   We have been able to work with him & his wife 3 times! We testify that guidance from the Holy Ghost is such a special gift available to all of us!  They are going to the temple on Tuesday & both have printed out names for the first time!  They are so excited!  
     We have enjoyed Skype training 7 different times this week!  Each week we help Terry & Elsie Peters, they were neighbors up the road & have now moved to Sheridan.  We are having lots of fun with them!
     It was great this week to have Tchae & Cheyane stop in for a visit!  Thanks so much for stopping by - we enjoyed it! Darece and I were not able to go to the Temple to sew on Tuesday , too nasty of weather in Montana.She will get some things on Friday so we can sew at home.

     It was so nice to be with Frank & Gaye & their families on Thursday for his mothers funeral. It was nice to visit at the dinner!  Then yesterday he called to invite us to their ward in Powell. He was called to be 1st councilor in the Powell 4th Bishopric.  We had two special events today at 1:00pm but couldn't make them both.   Melvin was sustained & received the Aaronic Phd then ordained a Deacon by Allen today in Worland.  Allen was also sustained as the scout master and set apart too. It was wonderful to be there with them!  So thankful for the Priesthood & it's power here on earth!  Witnessing Melvin's ordination today caused me to ponder on this amazing blessing in my life!  So often in the 50 years of our marriage, it has blessed our lives & the lives of our family.  Can't count the blessings of healing, comfort & direction in our lives! 
     We even went to Deaver Res & did a little ice fishing on Friday - 16 inches of ice with some snow in spots - beautiful day - a cold breeze occasionally - but there were NO hungry fish!   Maybe next time! Had a couple inches of dry snow this week too and below zero temps several nights. We did hear that Thermopolis had 50' temps and melted most of their snow . . . thats the diversity of weather in the Bighorn Basin! Dad got our new weather station setup this week and is doing the fine tuning now. His old one lasted about 10 yrs. 
      We spent New Years eve at home watching a couple specials on TV together then slept thru the rest of the "Ringing in of the new year"! Its been another awesome week!

Love to all of you & CTR!    Mom & Dad

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