Monday, January 9, 2017

My OH My, just where do we start!

January 8, 2017
Dearest Family!
 My OH My, just where do we start!   It has been an amazing week!  
       Last Monday:   We received a call from Tchae & Cheyenne Cook!  They are engaged!!!!   Congratulations to them also!!!!!   The most exciting!   Today - Jan 8, 2017 in Salt Lake, great grand daughters,   Paisley Jade weighing 4lbs 1 oz & Brindle Iris weighing 4 lbs 15 ozs,  Mom: Lindsay, Dad: Connor  & daughters are all doing great!  Paisley was in NICU but will probably get out tomorrow!  Congratulations!!!!!
     Now for the rest of the week - We had a great time with Allen, Amber & family on Monday & Tuesday.  They came on Monday morning. We had hoped to do some outdoor activities, fishing, sledding, etc but temps were below zero so it was all indoors!  ping-pong, crocheting, playing games etc & FHE doing a new app for kids using your own FH from  We did have a great time.  Tues Allen, Amber & Melvin went to Billings for his first temple trip. Mom, Dad and Melvin all had their own names for baptisms! The rest of the family visited Aunt Darece for the day then were here for dinner before they headed back to Worland!  We enjoyed them all so much!

     During the rest of the week we were busy with 8 Skype  or phone training appointments!  Many of these were preparations for our meetings in Thermopolis today!  These are special times! It was a very cold week with nights 15 to 25 below and most days barely above zero.  We were also in Cowley on Thursday morning, went to the Living Center to help several with indexing & I helped a sister with pictures that afternoon!  And just to make things exciting, we started hearing another squeal from the furnace!  Dad discovered that a belt had several cracks in it - just so happened that the local hardware store had the replacement belt which we needed!  I am so very thankful for the fix-it talents of my sweetheart.  He had it fixed in an hour.   Enjoyed having Rob here for lunch on Saturday - so nice to visit with him!   Michelle has been to Albuquerque & will be returning on Monday! Dad and I watched a basketball game together on Sat evening we enjoy that!  It was also special to talk to Vicki this week.

     Today we were in Thermopolis.  In the Thermopolis Ward we did hands on training during Sunday School time then attended RS/Priesthood. It was nice to attend Sacrament Meeting in the Owl Creek Branch then do training there during SS time.  Our most special thing to hear is:    "Oh, this is the first time I have found a name!"  or "I always thought Grandma or Uncle  had done it all so I haven't even tryed - I'm surprised there are names that need ordinances done!"  What a blessing it is to find a name of a family member, both for the deceased relative & for the one who finds it, then they can do the temple ordinances!

    it has been an amazing week - so many special things happened! Feel so very blessed!    Love you all & CTR   Love you so    Mom & Dad

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