Monday, May 2, 2016

a bit of very important trivia to me

Dearest Family, a bit of very important trivia to me......... On this day, 86 years ago, my parents were married in the Temple Square Hotel in Salt Lake City! My mothers sister, Stella, who was working there, was one of the witnesses. They had borrowed a car from Dr Huff, who Mother worked for, to get to SLC. While in SLC they took a ride in an airplane.  They then returned to Jackson, where they lived for the remainder of their lives!

    It has been quite a day!   6:30 to 7:30 a.m. we were part of a conference call, listening in as a High Councilman taught the High Priest Group Leaders about using the Apps!   He did an amazing job!  We then went to visit three Billings wards who meet in one building!  Today we helped members of three ward counsels learn how to use the Apps!  Then this evening we visited with that same High councilman on the phone to see where he goes now, etc.  It has been a great day!

    It seems everyday has been busy, I went to Billings with Darece & helped her in the laundry.  Rather than fold clothes, this time we were helping the sister over this area. Some how all the instructions she had written about shortening new dresses & slips had disappeared.  Dresses, slips, pants, etc all come in one length, long, & have to be shortened so as to fit people of various heights. We also took a little time out to share with her a little about finding names for the temple.   I met with her today, when she got out of Sacrament Meeting to help her a little more.   Sure was fun!   While I was in Billings, Dad met with a couple here that we have been helping!  Another brother from a community nearby came over & Dad taught him about adding pictures to the tree using his tablet! I helped with the Blood draw again on Wed morning the we practiced using the GoTwoMtg program via the web. Kind of like Skype but more business directed. We may use it sometimes for our web teaching. Took the RAV to Powell for service the miles keep going up each week so service comes around quite often. We're grateful for this new RAV as we are going so much now! 
    While in Cowley on Thursday morning, a sister appeared with a box of diaries. This box had been left outside, by her home, but she is not related to the author of them.    We did find in Family Search some people to contact to see if we can find some relatives – what a fun & amazing mystery, but one which the Lord has His hand in!
    Got our fishing lines wet Saturday Morning, and had fun attending a birthday party for Athena on Saturday evening!
We love you all Mom and Dad

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