Monday, May 30, 2016

Of course, Monday is Dad’s birthday, 73 great years!

Dearest Family,
    Of course, Monday is Dad’s birthday, 73 great years!  We are roasting hot dogs & frying burgers out to the pond! Haven’t done that for a while!
On Thursday, June 2, Bo celebrates his birthday! Happy Birthday, Bo!!!
    We understand that Mila arrived home safely.  Tuesday was a special day, I traveled to Billings with  Darece, it was her day to work in the temple laundry & I enjoyed helping – it is much more fun to fold clothes there than at home. Dad had a nice time fly fishing with Rob at Deaver Reservoir and helping patrons on the phone/computer with FH. One of the California quail pairs have 5 eggs now so that's exciting to await them hatching.

    It has been great to help people this week, each one is excited to learn, find names & make the tree better.  We have enjoyed helping on the phone & Skyping.   Liz, the consultant from the Billings YSA ward called & she wanted us to help with her 5th Sunday lesson.  We were already doing 2, one in Laurel & one in Billings.  The times for each one just wouldn’t allow us to get to all three.  We are blessed to have met the Tech person in that Stake & we ask him to help her get better wifi internet in the cultural hall of that ward's building.  We also taught her on Skype & sent her the  FS app screen clips – we are anxious to hear how the day went.  We taught 5th Sunday combined lessons in two wards, one in Laurel & one in Billings.    In both of these wards we see lots of people with Lovell roots!

After supper we helped a young man who now has his mission call to Ohio get updated on the FS apps and how to use FH on his mission. He found, reserved and printed the temple card in less than 5 minutes too ! ! ! He and dad were home teachers together for several years plus Dad helped teach he and his brother the Gospel, his mom just joined the church recently too. Now their whole family is in the church and working toward their family being sealed forever! As it turns out his Dad's side of the family is from Ohio, then came out west . . . so he will get to see where his roots are from and likely meet some cousins on his mission.

    It was fun to have Kaitlyn & friends come for a fishing date at the pond. They were also impressed when Dad showed them his worm digger. (the electric rod which causes them to rise right out of the ground!)
  On Saturday, Allen & Amber went to Billings to the temple & stopped by on their way home for dinner. The kids had stayed at Darece’s & they took Niel with them.  We sure enjoyed playing with him, he changes every time we see him – what a happy boy he is!!!! We will get more time to visit on Monday afternoon when all the kids will be here.
    Have a great week – CTR   Love you all Mom & Dad

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