Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sunday’s are always the greatest of all days!

Dearest Family,
    Happy 1st Birthday Athena on Tuesday, & Happy 23rd Anniversary to Bill & Kathy, April 30thon Saturday!  Hope you all have a great day!
    Another great week!  Sunday’s are always the greatest of all days!  We enjoy our calling so much & each day is a special one! We try to contact each Bishop of the ward we are visiting but had had a difficult time this week making the connections, but finally did on Saturday! Yes, sometimes there is a little stress! All of these wards were in the Billings Stake and meet in the same building. What a blessing it is to teach the leaders of each ward!  If they learn & find their own name then they are excited to share their testimony & excitement of the work! What a blessing it is to all!  We meet with the leaders during the SS time, then also attend the Sacrament Meeting in one ward & also RS/Priesthood sometime during the day. In every ward we attend we find people we know or have some connection with! After arriving home at 6:20pm, we SKYPED with a High Councilman & his family in Montana.  We have been teaching them over the last month, & now he & all of them are beginning to teach others.  His wife said that last week he probably shared the FS Tree app with over 30 people, not including sharing it in a High council meeting. They are all so excited! 
We see the promised blessing which several apostles have made being fulfilled each day!  The latest is Elder Renlund’s  Apostolic Temple Challenge that includes all the promises together! 
Find as many names to take to the temple as ordinances you perform in the temple, and teach others to do the same.     And if you accept this challenge, blessings will begin to flow to you and your family like the power of the river spoken of by Ezekiel and the river will grow as you continue to perform this work and teach others to do the same.  You’ll find not only protection from the temptation and ills of this work, but you will also find personal power, power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified and power to turn the hearts of your family together, and heal that which needs healing.  I witness that Jesus Christ lives. I witness that the sealing authority has been given to earth, that these keys and priesthood authority exists on earth to bless the lives of all of heavenly Father’s children.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Aren’t the blessings amazing in this promise which the Lord has made to us!  It covers every aspect of our life!  We need some of them each day!  Lets all do this work & receive these blessings!
A sister shared with me the experience of doing the temple ordinances for her son’s biological grandmother on his fathers side.  This son had been adopted by his step father very early in life.   She said she was nervous, but when she was doing one of the ordinances she felt the grandmother enter the room & wrap her arms around her, enveloping her! Another witness that the veil is getting thinner as the Lords work is hastening on both sides of the veil.
    Each day was great, helping people, in their homes, at the public library, where ever. . . .  We have also had fun teaching several on Skype!  It works great! Even tho we are not serving in the FH Center any longer, there are opportunities to teach.  Enjoyed Home Teachers, A great visit with Rob one afternoon, Kenny, Rosie & Lucy came by one evening to help us put the big eagle back on the post in the corral.  They had helped us take it down awhile back so Dad could repaint it!   It was great to visit for a few. We had a heavy slow rain storm about .61" of ppt over 10 hrs, Its been along time since we received that much ppt. Cody & Burlington got several inches of wet snow. 

    Saturday morning I worked at the blood draw until 10:00 am. Dad & Rob went fat tire bike riding between John Blue Canyon and the Cottonwood Canyon road. They had a great time, about 50', partly cloudy and no wind! Dad rides his bicycle here at home to keep in shape for these trail rides!

    Well life is great,   CTR & have a great week,   We love you ALL!!!!!!!    Mom & Dad

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