Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Thanks to all of you for your Birthday & Mothers Day wishes, calls, & gifts!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy 26th Anniversary on Thursday to Rob & Michelle!  Have a great day! Thanks to all of you for your Birthday & Mothers Day wishes, calls, & gifts!
    We say the same every week-that it has been a great week and it was!!!!   We did have some different things this week, tho----  Messed up hips so there were several trips to the Chiropractor, he helped. Our biggest event was a Family History Fair in Cody on Saturday.    We taught two classes on the Memories App & two classes on the Family Tree App.  We really enjoy seeing people catch the vision of the work!   We love knowing that they will be blessed & receive the promises spoken of by Elder Renlund.  It was a great Day!!!!! 

Sunday was spent in Laurel, Montana.  There are two wards there!  We saw Justin Graves, Allen’s friend, Heather Collins, Darece‘s friend,  Amy Crosby Pollock & others.  At times those who have Lovell roots, who live in Laurel, have called it the Lovell North Ward.       We taught the WC and will go back next Sunday to teach the apps to them. One of the wards celebrated Mother’s Day during the last 15 minutes of the block. The Bishopric served cake to all the sisters of the ward.  They were also given a Dove candy bar!   I thought that was a new idea.  I then heard that Vicki’s ward  did something similar.

    We have also had a fun time helping a Family History consultant on the phone, one far away, 200 miles from us on the phone!  I so enjoy talking with them.   It has been a week with lots of variety – Skyping with some,  a visit with one of our nieces,  a High Councilman, who tonight had a FHE with his Stake President, to teach he & his family how to find names using the apps!  We are anxious to hear about it!   We know that he & his wife did great! Dad mowed our lawns for the first time this spring and watered the orchard/pasture again getting ready for the Barrett's sheep to come. He has kept me supplied with asparagus this spring too from our own patch . . .GOOD, DELICIOUS, YUMMY! Love Mom & Dad

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