Monday, September 29, 2014

We taught several classes – the best was a youth group

Dearest Family!   
    It seems strange – no birthday or anniversary wishes – just our prayers for a safe & great week! 
    It was a great & wonderful Sabbath day!  We taught several classes – the best was a youth group, often they get too large & we feel we can’t help them one on one.  It was a small group & with several helpers we were able to help them individually!  Several of them were successful finding temple names using the Descendency feature of FS. They are were able to learn & then do it by themselves! 
    We have been taking our lunch to Cowley the past several weeks & today just before lunch Bro Croft was visiting with an Elder’s Quorum Presidency who were sharing the stage, our computer lab, for their lesson. He mentioned that sometime we would be happy to share some Family History with them. The counselor/teacher for today then said, “Oh today our lesson is Elder Cook’s talk, “Roots & Branches” You are welcome to come!”  We gobbled our sandwiches & went to their class. It was special to share how we are all blessed by the spirit of Elijah when doing this work, whether non member, inactive or active.  They had questions about indexing, & were amazed at how any aspect of FH affected so many people.  Then when the class was over, the teachers son, whom I had helped in the youth class came by to go home with his Dad & we were able to talk about Christina who lived to be 102 whom we had found in his tree. We both wanted to learn more about her!!!!!      Sunday evening in the FHC is always great. Tonight during the course of the evening there were 8 youth in!   On young lady reached her goal of indexing 1000 names.Two 2 others worked with their grandma, what a team they are!  We had our Sunday evening family who were searching & finding.......

    By the way, the Grandma stories are up to 13,312!   Have you shared your?    Another exciting announcement today – on the Family Search home page after you sign in, is the link for all members of the church to sign up for,, &   This is a great blessing for all of us & gives us access to so much more information & people to share & communicate with.
    We were able to spent some extra time in the FHC this Wednesday, since Sis. NeVille was ill – it was great – with some patrons in.  We were also able to meet with our High Councilor over FH & help him learn about indexing & also work on his own FH.

    Home visits were great with spiritual times for all – finding new people, learning about adding pictures – just enjoying the spirit of it all.  was helping one sister harvest ordinances using the Descendancy view in Family Tree, when she said, “Look, this couple has no children”  She has found several families to add to Family Tree by following the Hints & doing some research! I helped JQ here at the house one evening, we have scanned a lot of pictures, & it takes some time to get them all linked. 
    Friday we had a great trip to Billings, time in the temple was so great!   We were able to do some initiatory!  Had lunch, & did a stop at WalMart.   Brother Croft & Bro Josh Tippetts did some computer upgrades at he FHC also that night! Saturday we did more of our pDay things plus put in the exhaust fan in the greenhouse and a few misc things to get it all going. The tomato cuttings are a ft tall now with some new blossoms also the radishes are growing well. Rob came by and had lunch with us plus he and Michelle came back later to see the green house hydroponic setup. Really nice to have time to visit with them!  I attended the women’s broadcast with the Grant girls in the evening, a wonderful spiritual meeting! Dad watched it at home too.

   It has been a wonderful week!  
 We love you all,   CTR      Bro & Sis Croft

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