Monday, September 15, 2014

Now lets see – where do I start!

Sept 14, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Krysta & Rhonda!!!!    Hope you have a great day!
Now lets see – where do I start!   It has been quite a week! I am not sure where to start!  It was service days Mon & Wed 6:30-10:00 a.m. at the blood draw, I do data entry there. It is great to see people – people I don’t usually see except there.   It is also a reminder for Bro Croft & I to get our blood work done!  I
    Our Sunday was a busy one!    It seems like several wards are starting all over!   Several have new High Priest Group Leaders, several new consultants, 5-6 new youth consultants!  There is lots of training going on but it is wonderful, but sometimes overwhelming also!   We had several open library times in wards today, several classes & tonight in the FHC 5 youth consultants came in, new ones that we were helping get started plus other patrons!  It so very special to help them find names when they are finding new people who are not in the tree!  One young lady came in this afternoon & we just kept running into walls then this evening she came in again & we were able to find a family – there are supposed to be three children & we have only found 2. There are other places to look – more inspiration also! A young man was helping his sister with a family & we found a second husband & more children!  Bro Croft also had success with a young man who just wanted to search his direct line, but discovered searching for cousins is great & yields a rich harvest! 

    The very special part of our mission is the guidance which we receive – it comes so quietly & in such natural ways, many times I have to back away & take a second look to realize how much help I’ve received.  Last week an elderly Sister, age 94, “MB” called. Her granddaughter had called & wondered if she could do some names  which MB had reserved.   MB didn’t remember reserving them, & didn’t know her password or how to do the process!   While we visited, the inspiration came to accomplish the process- oh-so quickly!  I felt very blessed!

    Public Library Day was great! JQ & I were able to link 30 + pictures to her tree, she does great & we love working together!   Bro Croft had three ladies all wanting help about the same time!  They are all excited about learning more & having some problems solved.  After one of the blood draw days, I went to help a sister whom I didn’t know had called & canceled. She decided to work anyway, since I was there & the spirit helped us solve some tough questions.  
    Another highlight of the week was a meeting with all the Bishoprics of the Stake. We were able to share info about the Youth Temple Challenge & the power Family History has to lift all members of their wards. What a wonderful experience to share our testimonies with this group of very special brethren!

    Weather has been colder & Bro Croft has been doing some winterizing & fall work out side. It froze things on Thursday and Friday nights getting to 28’. Many of the beans and sunflowers of the local farmers are gone  now, a big financial loss for them. Finally, Friday I was able to get some cleaning, etc done in the house plus laundry & baking.  We spent a great day in Worland on Saturday.  It was great to help Allen & Amber get his elk cut up!

    When we got home Sat night we found our driveway flooded and after some checking learned why. A neighbor who doesn’t use much common sense turned the head gate full open which gave 3 times more water than the ditch can carry so it ran across our old garden, the quail pens & down to the driveway into the meat room and old barn building. Had it gone longer it could have got to the house via the lower green house. The time it all took place was determined from the other neighbor. About noon the water was turned on and began to flood, around 4pm the ditch rider was going by the main canal south of us and noticed the canal coming our way was too full so she reduced the flow which in turn stopped the over flow at our house a mile north. We got home at 5:30pm to find the mess but the ditch was no longer flooding. We called the ditch rider couple who came to put a tag on the head gate and set it at the proper level to prevent more flooding overnight or later. They were not aware of the flooding until we called them to come see the situation. We were very blessed to have the water turned off when it was, our ditch rider was an angel of mercy.
We love you all – CTR & have a great week!          Bro & Sis Croft

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