Monday, October 6, 2014

We always love General conference!

Subject: October 5, 2014
Dearest Family,
    What a wonderful day!!! We always love General conference!  It has been a great weekend! What a blessing it is to be able to watch & review conference so quickly!  Bro Croft & I went to Horseshoe Bend on Saturday & started listening to conference 20 minutes late!  When we arrived home we were able to watch what we had missed! We did catch one catfish & it was a calm, clear & warm fall day! The hornets thought it was nice, too. One stung me!   Technology is so great!  Already we have listened to several talks containing things we wanted to hear again & things we had missed! We enjoyed having Allen, Amber & family come this a.m. to watch, then dinner at Darece & Ken’s – was nice to see everyone there!  We then enjoyed the afternoon session at home! 
   The FHC was busy tonight, three youth, several consultants & several other patrons. All were busy, learning & accomplishing great things!  Bro Croft worked with one patron with whom he had had a special spiritual experience!  In his words; Early last week I received an email from Sister Linda NeVille asking if I knew how to scan and get the postage stamp size photos from an old pedigree chart useable in family search. I opened this email at 5 am that morning, read it and immediately received the inspiration on how to do the process. I quickly wrote myself some notes as the thoughts came into my mind then minutes later tried the process using two windows programs I had used for years but not in the way that I had just been instructed. The small photos came out larger and looked great! I emailed the sister in Byron with the results asking her how it looked to her. With in minutes I received an email back (this is 6am) thanking me for answering her prayer, thru tears she had written back to me expressing her gratitude. Sister Croft was up by then and I showed her the process and the emails. Later that day I called the sister to tell her that the Holy Ghost had given me the process early this morning  and I wrote it down and did it. I told her I was grateful to have been able to be the means for the Lord to answer her prayers.  I have come to know over my life that the words spoken by Pres Spencer W Kimball years ago are true, that the Lord often sends a faithful person to answer our prayers. I try to always be willing and “spiritually up” so the Lord can use me to help answer someone  prayer! Each day we receive a witness that the Work is hastening and we need to be prepared to move the work to the next level!

    It has been a fun week, with some special experiences!  Brother Checkett’s at the NWC Institute in Powell has been teaching a Family History Class!  Tuesday & Thursday we were invited to teach the computer side of it.  It is a little difficult to have hands on experience for 30 + students but we exposed them to it!  Did the basics on Tues & a little about Descendency Research.  On Thurs we explained Puzzilla & Indexing!  They are starting an Indexing Challenge in their ward so that will be fun! It was so grand to meet & teach the college young people!
    Had our group of regulars, people we do every week!   We were able to shuffle them around, even with the trips to Powell & still get everyone in!  Some were adding photos, others indexing, some just cleaning up their trees.  It was also the week for the Family History consultant’s training meeting!  Answered questions which some had asked us about!  Had a nice morning in Cowley with several patrons.  Both are beginning to get results & find info. 
    Last week & next,  we are working with a YW’s group in Cowley, looking for temple names & I think this week maybe adding photos!  We finally caught up with Dak and Joy for a wonderful visit on the phone last evening, they are a very busy family with their new back to college life style.   A very hard freeze on Thursday evening has lots of leaves falling and much new snow on the mountains. . . . it’s fall for sure.
    It is a great work, we love it!    CTR & have a great week!   Love you all – Bro & Sis Croft

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