Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It has been a wonderful week,

September 7, 2014
Dearest Family!   
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Micah & Kirena! 
    It has been a wonderful week, beginning with a holiday,   Labor Day!  We were busy at home that day – learned that Phil & Emma, sons; Adam & Ira were at their home thru the field  putting a new roof on the house. Baked a batch of cinnamon rolls & headed over there.  It was so great to see them! They are such wonderful people & we enjoyed having them for neighbors!
Also had a great Family Home Evening with one of the Bishop’s & his family!

    Each day we had appointments, helping with Family History or indexing!  It was a little bit of everything, including helping several with their internet connections. Bro Croft is getting better & better at handling these problems.   Wednesday evening we thought we would visit with people at two different ward harvest dinners!   We were really looking forward to it!  Got to the Lovell 4th ward Dinner & boy did the wind come up – and then the temperature dropped!  Had to hold on to your plate with one hand & eat with the other & still sometimes the food blow away! It was just plan miserable – finally just came home – without going to the 2nd ward party!  Enjoyed a birthday dinner at Darece’s, her traditional stuffed tomatoes!   Was so nice to be with her, Whitney, Kaitlyn, Talon, Bo & McKinzea!   We enjoyed it so much!

    Had a beautiful morning at the Lake on Friday, calm, sunshiny & the catching was great!   We were on the lake from 9:30 to 11:30 & caught 3 saugers & lost a really big one just as were were netting it! Dad also caught 5 catfish, but all were just a little small for keepers! Mom caught the biggest sauger at 4 1/2 lbs and 25 inches. We came home, Dad cleaned the saugers & I spent the afternoon quilting with 4 great ladies!   The quilt is getting very close to being done! Dad also got the meat cooler room ready for Al’s bull elk.

    Congrats to Allen on the successful archery bull elk hunt!  The elk was killed in the Bighorn mtns above Tensleep.  He brought it to our house to hang in the meat cooler room on Saturday A.M.  We enjoyed having Allen & the three oldest ones here for lunch! We ate fresh elk “philly sandwiches” too. . .very tasty!
Love you all & CTR
Bro & Sister Croft

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