Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New great grand daughter a bit early!

Dearest Family,
     Happy Birthday to Kenny & Melvin on Thursday!   It is Melvin's 12th birthday & he is going to the temple to do baptisms for the first time.  He even found all the names he is going to do!  
     On December 16, Micah & Kirena had a baby girl, Cosette Royale.  She was born early, 25 weeks 4 days & weighed in at 2 pounds & was 13 inches long. The best way to find about about her is on Kirena's facebook page under Kirena Allen.  Saturday was a difficult day, but on Sunday she had a wonderful day!  Our prayers are with them. 

     Saturday we drove to Allen & Amber's & spent the night with them,  Thanks for your hospitality, Allen, Amber & family & to  Leanne & Camille for sharing your beds with us!   Sunday Dad & I were in Thermopolis, visiting a ward & a branch there!  It was a great day,  speaking in both wards & teaching their ward councils about family history. 
    This week was a cold, blizzardy one,  much like the year when we were married, 50 years ago. Early in the week it was very cold, then warmed up enough to snow about 12' on Friday!   Thanks Ken & Darece for coming & doing the sidewalks!  It helped so much!  By evening the temps were dropping down to below 0, then frigit at -22 below.   It is warming up some today!

    We had I visited two ladies on Wednesday, then we were busy with others on Thursday most of the day! Also had a nice Skype training with the Peter's in Sheridan!
     Also enjoyed being with our ward family on Wednesday evening for the Ward Christmas Party!  It is great to see all of them, since we seldom attend our own ward. Also enjoyed the Stake Christmas Choir Concert last night!   Beautiful music!!!!
     Hope all of you have had a great week!  Love Mom & Dad

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