Monday, December 12, 2016

Dearest Family!
    Happy 3rd Anniversary to Ryan & Rhonda on Wednesday, December 14  & Guess What?   To us on Friday, December 16!   It has been 50 wonderful years!  Doesn't seem possible, but it has been an amazing trip & will continue to be......for eternity!   Thank you all for the wonderful party this summer!  We are so relieved that you are not traveling now, in the winter!
    Well, another amazing week!  The Sunday's are the best! Last Sunday in Byron was & so was today in Worland! While in Byron last week, I was helping a sister looking at her family in on the Computer. I said, "Have you ever used the app on your phone?"  No, she hadn't thought about it.  She changed to it & did Descendents with Tasks.  On the first list, there were people who needed their temple ordinances done. She reserved one, paused & looked at me & said, "That's amazing, we just found a name in less than two minutes!" She was so excited - was going home to show this to her 15 year old son, who was the one usually helping her. We feel so blessed to see brothers & sisters, one at a time, beginning to do Family History.  The blessing are so great!

    We spoke in two different wards, Allen's & another one & are beginning to see growth in each of them.  We always appreciate it when some time during the day we are able to have contact with the Stake President & with the Bishops.  We also had a young couple find us in the kitchen, eating our lunch.  They are moving to Worland & he wants help finding his family!  Found an obit tonight after I got home on his grandmother which included the names of her parents (he didn't know that). Now Dad is working more on that to get the info all organized so we can get back to him!
     We have had lots going on this week!  Several Skype trainings,  Wednesday I had visits with two ladies, & Thursday was great in Cowley, at the Living Center & with another sister who is adding pictures & stories. We also enjoyed watching JV BBall games which Talon played in on Friday & Saturday. This week was our first taste of winter with minus 10 a couple of nights and only mid teens during the day. We missed the snow except for about an inch one morning. Too cold outside to do much there.  A young man from our area passed away suddenly this  week so we spent time with his Dad and Mom as well as the grandparents. His funeral is tomorrow in Lovell! 

    We have spent time viewing some amazing FH training videos!  They are the best so far which have been developed. So great at directing us to the Spirit, to seek help, so that we can better help others!
     It was great to visit with several of you this week - we love it!   Our love & prayers go out to Kirena, Micah & little gal!   She is having to be very careful. Lindsay, also, has finished working, & is beginning to develop toxemia.  Hopefully her two little gals will wait until after the first of the year to arrive!
    Our love to all of you! Mom and Dad

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