Monday, October 3, 2016

We have had some special experiences this week

Dearest Family!
    Happy Belated Birthday to Josh, his special day as September 30! Hope it was a good one! 
I am  so thankful for the service of many sisters the past few weeks!  We have been able to complete the quilting on Josh & Krysta’s quilt! They have given so much of their time.  This week we were able to quilt on Monday & Wednesday, then the remainder of the week I worked to finish it on Friday! Now just the binding!
    Tuesday was a great day!  Darece & I went to the temple to work in the laundry, such a nice day.  We had a nice day also doing a little shopping, WalMart & Costco & lunch & supper together, thanks Darece!!!    Dad did a little fishing at Crooked Creek & projects here at home outside. We have had a beautiful long summer with no frost, but it is inevitable!  We are seeing lightening flashing in the distance tonight & the mountains are supposed to get snow the middle of this week.  We enjoyed going to a Rocky football game, & seeing Talon recognized in the Homecoming royalty!
    We have had some special experiences this week – reflecting the Lords hands in all things.   Had a Skype appt with a High councilman over FH, but things didn’t work out for that, but instead the next evening he was giving a presentation at a Stake High Priest Quorum Meeting.  We were able to visit with him about that & share some materials with him.  On another evening, we did training with Family History Consultants in our stake.  Was a special, spiritual evening where we felt guided & that they were open & intent on receiving the message! Great Evening! 
What a wonderful weekend watching General Conference!   We are so blessed to see it in the comforts of our own home & we love it! Another amazing advance of technology is that already, even tonight, we can down load all the talks to our devices, to learn from any time, any place.  We like to play them in the car, thru the radio, as we travel! Can you believe we used to wait 6 weeks to get our Ensign to study them & we thought that was a blessing, (& it was!)
      As I have reviewed a little tonight, this has to be a favorite from President Monson -We are blessed to have the truth. We have a mandate to share the truth. Let us live the truth that we might merit all that the Father has for us. He does nothing save it be for our benefit. He has told us, “This is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” [Moses 1:39]. 
It has been an amazing week – what a wonderful way to end it!   Allen, Amber & family were here this morning to watch conference with us & then Rob, Michelle; Ken, Darece, & family; Bob DeRocher & Ruth Murphy all came for Mexican haystacks!   Was great to see everyone!    Missed those who weren’t here – love you all
 Mom & Dad

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