Monday, October 17, 2016

It is hard to believe that last Tuesday it snowed all day at our house.

Dearest Family   
    Happy 1st Birthday to Lucy on Thursday, October 20!  Also, Congrats to Kenny, Rosie & little Lucy – next April when a new little one will arrive & Lucy will be a big sister!!!! 
Today was a beautiful day!  It is hard to believe that last Tuesday it snowed all day at our house. Dolores & I went VT at 9 a.m. I just wore a lite jacket & when I got home at 10:00 it was just starting!  By evening we had at least 9 inches of snow! The trees were all weighed down, so beautiful & now it is all melted!  Then on Wednesday night it froze for the first time this fall, pretty amazing! I've had a head cold this week but getting better by weeks end, stayed close to home for several days, not wanting to share it!
    This was a skype week – we enjoyed working with 3 Family History Consultants from Gillette and Buffalo wards!  Also did our usual time in Cowley and with other appointments in our local area. Then on Saturday we headed for Sheridan.  The Big Horns had not received the snow that we got in town so it was a sunny dry trip.  There were hunters everywhere from the Causeway on over the mtn. Spent the afternoon with the Elsie & Terry Peters doing photos and general FH things.
  It was so special to watch the Fort Collins Temple Celebration Sat evening which Ky, Symphony & Kenya were a part of!  The blessing of technology is so wonderful!  We are excited for them – they were also able to attend the Temple Dedication today!  They will have some special memories to record.
    Today, we attended the Ranchester Branch!  it was so special to be there – taught the Ward council during SS & then everyone, youth & adults during the last hour, except the ones in Primary! It is a great branch!  When we had finished everything & were putting our things away a young man came up to me & said,  “You're taller than me ”   and I replied     “Yes I am! You're about 8 years old, aren't you.  Do you know what? – you could have an LDS account & record your own stories in your own voice!”   And he said,  “You mean I could tell how I shared my testimony at school?”     Yes!     As we were leaving, he came hurrying down the hall, waving something in his hand.  “See, here is my ticket to the temple dedication !“   Can you imagination how priceless his story of this would be if he told it for his children & grandchildren in Family Search Memories.

    Coming back over the mtn it was dry except for about 5 miles from Hunt Mtn divide to Porcipine where there was 2 inches of slush in spots on the road and temps of 33'. We were home by 3:30pm, had time to unwind a bit,  have supper then head to Powell wards (7th st chapel) to speak at a New converts/ Reactivated fireside at 7pm. There were 3 brethren and a sister who spoke of their conversion and reactivation process. Each story was unique, two came back after being taught the gospel as children. one in his 60’s & the other in his early 30’s, both with many addictions. The other two were converts, one joining after High School.  The other was married to an inactive member- it took about 7 years. It was finally his 7 year old son who actually got him started reading the Book of Mormon for the first time. We were the last speakers and did it standing together at the podium sharing the time. We told of our own love for the temple and our eternal family then shared with them how they can make FH a daily personal worship event so they can have a daily temple experience. Another wonderful weekend together serving the people and the Lord!
We send our love to all of you & CTR 

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