Monday, October 10, 2016

We pray that each one of you have had a great week!

Dearest Family!
    We pray that each one of you have had a great week!   Each day can be a very special day!  It is an opportunity for each of us to find the positive & good in the world around us! There is so much good! 
    This week we did the second Skype training with a ward council – again it was very successful we felt.  Each time we learn something to make it better!  It also helps us to know how to do this with other wards.  There were probably 10 people in this group, meeting in a RS room in the church.   We are so thankful for technology which makes this all possible!   We’re also thankful for the Lord’s blessing that we are able to learn & do it successfully!

    Visited an older single sister this week – parents deceased – but she has so much to share on Family Search.  It will be a fun trip helping her share the lives of her deceased parents thru pictures & stories!  She is excited & we are also excited! She had many stories already typed up & Dad has been able to add them to Family Search already.  Now we will help her link these to people in the tree so others can read them. We have also helped those we index with & several others, both in Cowley & here in town.
    Our weekend has been so very nice!  We traveled to Sheridan Saturday afternoon via Greybull & Shell Canyon. Did some shopping there, had our favorite Arby’s sandwiches, then spent the evening with Rod & Susan Workman, working with them on the apps.  We have so appreciated being able to stay with them during our trips to the Gillette Stake. They were both able to find some names for the temple! Had a very special experience with her.  She found the name of a lady, but the initiatory & endowment had been shared with the temple.  She immediately emailed the person & by 2:30 this afternoon she had gotten an email from the man & he had released it so now she can do  it!  She was so.o.o excited!  She has her own ancestor to do the temple ordinances for!!

    We traveled to Buffalo this morning, it is only 30 miles from Sheridan.  The Bishop is Cade Caturia & one of his counselors is Jake Hatch,  both Lovell area boys!  We taught the ward council at 9 a.m. & during Sunday School we did the hands on training.  It seemed that there were many that were very excited to learn more & realize that they could do it!!! There were also many that we had known from other places & times of our lives!    When we were greeting people before Sacrament meeting, one sister, abt 40, was asking what we were doing there & when I mentioned Family History she was so interested in coming to our SunSchool lesson time. She was totally enthralled by the App & all that could be done using it.  She found several names in that short time.  We continued to visit  after S School & finally she asked, “Do you know Joy Croft?”  Joy, it was Ardie Ruby, President Ruby’s wife & she was very excited to hear about you  and your family!   A Memory she had – Joy taught her how to seal the edge of a pie crust – the way she still does it today! I love it!   The little everyday things we do which create special memories among so many people!   It is just one example of all the good each of you do, without even thinking, as you go about your daily life, serving!

    We ate lunch in the Buffalo ward kitchen then headed for Worland 100 miles west to help with two training classes for FH consultants at 4 and 5 pm. We had a wonderful scenic drive over the mountain on dry roads with some snow in the trees. With all the moisture the dry looking areas are now green again. Our first meeting was with about 20 adult leaders and consultants who all enjoyed using the new technology! We have met with many of these folks before but they needed to get updated on changes to the app. The youth FHC meeting was full of excitement with 10 YM YW - FHC most of which were younger teens. They caught on quickly and were anxious to see the new changes and advanced features available with the app. It was great to have Allen in our adult meeting! Following the meeting we headed to Al & Ambers home to eat supper with their family and visit a bit. Time with family is always special!  We had a safe drive home with no animals on the road and only a few cars, it was 9pm when we arrived. Just 330 miles on the road this weekend. What an awesome weekend to be together with great people sharing the hastening of the Lord's Work! ! !
Our love to all,     Mom & Dad

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