Monday, September 26, 2016

Wow – what a week! We are so blessed & grateful . . . . .

Dearest Family,
    Happy 1st Birthday to Neil on Friday, September 30th! 
    Wow – what a week!   We are so blessed & grateful for the amazing experiences that happen in our lives!  We have skyped with several, had ‘one on ones’ with some, & phone call training,  just to names some of the training this past week. 
    Monday  Dad called in to WebEx support to see if they could help with the problems we have been having with that program, after several hours, they were finally able to correct the  problems!?!   Another day, I went to the FHC at the church & we experimented with it!  WebEx just takes a lot more band width than we have here at home. Finally it worked! 

    Had a wonderful group of quilters here & we are definitely making progress!  Dad & I were able to go to Billings on Wednesday to the temple afterwards did some training with a couple who are FH consultants.  it just happened that they were working with a youth group that very night! 
    Our Skype Trainings where so special this week,  Two Youth consultants! So excited! They helped us today with a ward we were in!  We also worked with a brother on Skype & his wife on the phone later in the week!  She has been very hesitant to do anything plus works & has 4 children, so very busy! I think she was much more comfortable after we worked on the phone & her computer. It is so special to see the Holy Ghost work in the lives of people!!!! The wife was in our sessions to today also!
    Had a special time with Marlene & Gaye on Friday!  So great to do more FH with them!  I got a new hair cut on Thursday sure feels good!  Visiting with Jane in Denmark via Skype was wonderful as always. . . . technology is the best.
    It has been very wet week, over 2 inches of rain here at the house and lots of snow across all the mtns. Due to the snow on the Big Horn Mtns we drove to Sheridan via Billings another 120 miles, giving us our longest wkend training of over 600 miles. round trip. We had rain on Sat but dry sunny travel on Sunday, the Lord blessed us so it didn't seem as long as it was. We're grateful for the blessings that allow us to serve Him and others! We enjoyed the sacrament meeting in the Gillette 4th ward as the Bishopric was reorganized . . . .  . brought back lots of memories to us. Our class time was shorter but worth it, the Stake Pres came to our class as well as the Ward Council folks. We will do some extra training via Skype to finish the class. Really as I told the group we watched FH happen the past hour, a wonderful spirit filled day!

    We also had a couple from the Wright Ward, still farther from us, visit with us. They were wondering when we would be coming there? They attended one of the group classes & we were able to visit about other training options! It was just a wonderful contact for us to help that little ward in  central Wyo!
    The greeter at the door of the Sacrament mtg which we attended was a full time missionary! I asked him about Family History & he shared his excitement for it.  He had found it a wonderful way to visit with people, open doors & share the gospel!
     We see miracles & the tender mercies of the Lord every day! 
                   Our Love,   Mom & Dad

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