Monday, January 4, 2016

Had a great Family dinner on Monday evening

Dearest Family! 
   Love you all!     Happy Birthday, McKinzea!   Hope you have a great day on Tuesday!   
    It was wonderful to have the Fikes come on Sunday Evening!  We enjoyed so very much our time with them!  Had a great Family dinner on Monday evening at the Grant home – Allen, Amber & family came too!  I think there were 25 of us together!  We missed those who were unable to be here!   We canceled several appointments so we were able to be home! The kids went skating one afternoon at the Moncur rink! No sledding this year, we just don’t have enough snow! We love to have every one here.   Then on Wednesday evening, Allen’s family stopped by, they were returning from the temple & had dinner with us.  I finally felt like my cold was gone enough so I could play with Neil!  What a sweetheart he is!  So happy, he just cooed & smiled!  We so appreciated phone calls from those of  you who were unable to be here over the Holidays!

    Thursday & Friday were just quiet days here at home! The Christmas decorations have been taken down, we are ready to start the New Year!!!!! I even got the binding machine stitched on Connor & Lindsay’s quilt & now just have to finish sewing around it by hand!   It will be wonderful to have it done! 
    Several days we were able to do phone support with people who called.  Today we are back into the routine, visited L3 ward in our stake for the 3 hr block.  We ate lunch, then were off to Burlington to train a High Priest Group Leader and his wife for 3 hrs. We had a FHE with Cody Stake President & his family for a couple of hrs, all had great success at using the new FS process!  What a great day! This week we will be in 3 stakes helping and training leaders, FHCenter directors and families. People are so anxious to learn the new process. Check this pdf file to learn of the new way to print temple cards at home coming to temples soon. Dad helped our stake IT person resolve some internet and printer issues at the FH Center this week as  well.

    Attended a funeral in Cowley on Saturday for a 63 yr old grandfather of one of our youth consultants (he & his wife raised this boy and his sister)    Dad got to try out his new snow pusher on 1/2” of snow on the upper driveway this week – worked great! The Lord’s work continues to move forward at a rapid pace and we’re so grateful to be able to help ! ! 
Love you all, CTR!  Mom and Dad

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