Monday, June 29, 2015

The weeks fly by, by, by so quickly!

Dearest Family, 
   A Happy 1st Birthday last Thursday to Emerson Vehrs!  Happy Birthday this week to Ryan on Wednesday & Chris on Friday!  Have a great day!
    The weeks fly by, by, by so quickly!  Rob spoke in church today about Duty to God, how it is easier to build boys, rather than fix men! He shared some very spiritual experiences which he has had. Today was great – helping brothers & sisters add stories to their Memories App.   Have each of you added a story?  What a blessing it is and will become thru the years! Tonight we met with our Family History Youth consultants!  That is always inspiring & exciting.  They were sharing things they had done the last month in the Memories App & how they felt about it.   Sister M talked about how she felt so much closer to the relatives she had added pictures to, Sister G shared how she had stayed with a Grandma for 3-4 days & they had gone thru pictures, her grandma had shared a story about almost every picture.  Some pictures even had handwriting on the back by the people in the picture!  Sister A shared recording the precious voice of her 3 year old brother & a story by her great-grandmother. She plans to do more with her this summer!  Their spirit is contagious!

      Brother Croft & Bro H went to the Shoshone River by the railroad trestle to take pictures, where, as a youth he & his friends had swam. They wanted to add these pictures to his stories. Sister H & I sorted digital images of slides that were taken when their oldest daughter was young.  Sister H plans to get them printed and give them to her daughter – these are the only pictures of her childhood. We’ll also add them to Family Search.
      At the Public Library, Bro Croft had several families who were interested in the Apps – and I helped a Sister who was stuck, trying to find a lost ancestor.  We explored other places & ways to search in FS – also gave her names of several people in our area who are really good at finding lost people!  Elder Richard Scott has promised us that the Lord will help us find a way & there will be someone to help!

        Wednesday afternoon and evening we spent in Worland  visiting and doing a birthday service project for Allen.  Grandpa & the boys overhauled the pigeon coop, they are trying to train their birds to enter the coop a different way.  The girls & I had lots of fun reading & playing! Thursday I enjoyed the Follies with Darece;  Whitney & Kaitlyn were in two dance numbers & Rhonda sang with her sisters. They all did a wonderful job! Friday was our temple day, we had a wonderful time there, then did a little shopping afterwards!   Friday evening was the Family Fun Night & the Grants served the hot dogs, chips & pop! We enjoyed helping! I am a pro at putting on the ketchup & mustard now.  Also got to see Rhonda & Quinn for a few, enjoyed playing with him. Bo, McKenzea & Athena are here also & it has been wonderful to meet our newest little Great grand daughter! Saturday was the Mustang Day Parade!   Had a gdpa, his son and 2 grd children come to our pond and fish before the parade.   Sounds as if we socialized all week – but that is Family History also!

        To any of you, we have some family names which have sealing ordinances that need to be done!  Would some of you enjoy doing them?   Let us know & we will get them to you!
Love to all & CTR     Bro & Sis Croft

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