Tuesday, June 9, 2015

We had great groups in each class!

Dearest Family,   
        Happy Birthday to Uncle Bruce, he is 81 on Tuesday!  Also took Janet Nazer to lunch on Saturday, her birthday,  it was today – we enjoyed Chinese at Jen’s Kitchen!  It has been another great week!   I know, I say that about every one!   They are all special & we enjoy each day so much!  Our Sunday was filled with workshops, that means class members are practicing what we have discussed the previous week in a lesson.  Several wards were having open library, no lesson, no class, anyone can come in & work on their own & ask questions if they wish!  We had great groups in each class. We did a little of everything; descendancy research, pictures, duplicates, indexing help, & helping with the apps.
     Last week I mentioned helping a brother with indexing who knows Spanish.  Well today, he brought his laptop in & a consultant installed the Indexing program.  Well I don’t know Spanish, but between him, myself & the Holy Ghost, we were able to help him get started, showed him the helps & how to find answers to questions, & the computer side of it.   He is so very talented at reading the handwriting & in Spanish to boot!  What an asset he will be, helping do Spanish records!  Another retired brother in Frannie commented today that this is really addictive!  He has been doing Draft Registration Forms & really enjoys it!  Another commented how he needed to get back to his own ancestors, has been mostly indexing!   And sometimes that is OK, he may index his own ancestors!
    This week on Tuesday evening, Darece & I did a presentation on Family Reunions!  Fun!  Used pictures to share things we find helpful for a successful reunion, mainly planning, sharing responsibilities, using & sharing all the talents of all the family members!  
    In the FHC that night we had our first Apps class (Tree & Memories apps) for the summer.   We had 9 people there, all helping each other.  All were successful at downloading the Apps except for two, their devices were too old!  We felt they are all excited about recording & sharing stories!  It is great!  We are going to do this each week in June, it is time for family get togethers & the sharing of stories! Some of the wards are choosing to do classes for this also on Sunday’s.  Will be fun! 
    Several highlights of the week – Thursday in Cowley, a family came in, father, mother, three daughters, ages 7, 12, 14. They had been to the temple the day before & did family names, baptisms, (first time for one daughter)  & now wanted to find more names for next time – and they did. Today in class, the Dad was so excited, he found a new one from the tree – all by himself!  At the Living Center we had planned an appointment with one of the men there that we had been helping & his daughter.  It was exciting to have two of his sons come also!  They seemed to really like what he was doing and thanked us for our service! We showed them how to access FS and all the stuff their dad has added.
     Had a fun time fishing on Friday morning at Crooked Creek Bay!  We got 5 cats and one carp – kept the biggest cat to eat. Also attended a funeral for Harry McNiven  (65) on Sat, he died of a heart attack at home last week, one of Ambers uncles! It was a special service by the family and they taught the gospel using the primary age children in the chapel to help them.
    We were thrilled to have Chalin call us on Friday evening to tell us of his mission call to the West Indies (island group south of Florida). He will learn French and report to Provo MTC in mid Sept
 Love you all! Bro & Sister Croft

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