Monday, March 9, 2015

This daylight saving time is really hard . . . . . .

Dearest Family,
   The clock says 9:40 p.m.  This daylight saving time is really hard on this lady – oh- my - gosh – I feel like it is much later, by yesterday’s time it is only 8:40 p.m.    but I shall try & get my thoughts together!   It really has been a wonderful day!  We taught 4 classes today. It is so perfect when one feels like that the spirit is there, witnessing to the truth of this great work!  It has been a wonderful day!  This evening in the center was great also, 4-6 youth working together, consultants helping & youth helping each other also. Some consultants were working, learning more by indexing & others researching!
    We have had some special appointments this week – One sister is working so hard at indexing, She has recently retired because of health problems, lives alone & wants to do something worthwhile!   It is amazing to watch as she overcomes her lack of computer skills & is progressing, doing a great job of indexing the obit’s.  Her patience learning computer skills is amazing & she has a sharp mind when it comes to learning the details of indexing!  I sure admire her!  It is a testimony to me of the Lord’s hand helping her!  It is really there!
    On Wednesday evening, we helped with a youth group, I was helping a young lady, 14, from a disfunctional family.   She stays with her Grandma on Wednesday & Sunday so she can attend church.  She was learning to index, had indexed several obituaries, & I had been unable to read how she felt!  About this time, she paused, & looked up from typing & said: “ I really like to do this, it is fun! “  The spirit bearing record of this work to her – Yes! Dad’s been doing outside work on the warmer days when he has a free minute. Supposed to be warm and dry for the next couple weeks so we can get more done outside.

     We have some friends who used to live in Lovell & have now moved away – not members – an amazed that we are still their friends even tho they are not  interested in the church. Dad still visits with him probably on a monthly basis. While talking, he asked about Dad teaching him about Family History, whatever we were teaching everyone else.   In the background, his wife echoed the same interest. Dad has been teaching them, via phone, the past several weeks to fill in the Family Stories Book on line!  The other day while we were gone, he left a message,  Thanking Dad, & expressing how much fun & how easy it was!   They are both having a wonderful time!

     We had a trip to Cody on Friday a.m.,  It was time to get the plates transferred to the new Rave4 and finalize the sale of our old one.   We did some shopping at Wal Mart & stopped at Murray’s to pick up hamburger!  It has been enjoyable to watch BB tournament games of a lot of the youth we work with!  Our modern technology is wonderful for so many things! It was also nice to have dinner Saturday night with the Grants!  Bo & McKinzea, Kenny & Rosie were all here visiting.  We enjoyed all of them so very much!  The company was the greatest! Thanks also for the yummy food!

Love you all!

Bro & Sister Croft also known as Mom and Dad . . . . Gdma and Gdpa

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