Monday, March 30, 2015

The highlight of this week happened on Tuesday evening.

Dearest Family, 
    Happy 11th Anniversary to Allen & Amber!  My how time flies!
    We had a fun Monday evening celebrating Leanne’s birthday in Worland!  Then again on Saturday, they stopped on their way home from the temple.  Amber & I, Darece, Kaitlyn & Whitney enjoyed going to the Women’s Broadcast that night!
    The highlight of this week happened on Tuesday evening.  The parents of HeadStart students & some of the staff at HeadStart scheduled their monthly meeting in the FHC, learning about FH.  About half of the group were not members of the church & were very hesitant to even come there.  We had about 8 people – it was amazing – all were able to find success! One woman has immigrated to the US from the Philippines. She was sure that FS would only be for Americans, but much to her surprise, she found information about her family!  There was lots of excitement among the group & it was a wonderful evening!

    We have also been busy this week doing follow up after our Family History Fair.   We have been in 4-5 homes copying the files from our classes which we held.  There are those who for various reasons were unable to attend but still want to listen to the messages!  some want to review them again!
    Our Cowley morning was so very busy – we love that! There were 6 patrons, it kept us all busy!  It is just wonderful to witness the joy people experience when the feel the spirit of this great work!   One  day, I worked with a Sister Missionary who knows very little about her family & is unable to asks her parents.  She did know the names of grandparents who are all deceased which helped so very much.  She was totally amazed when we found a maiden name of a grandmother & the names of her parents.  Since our time together, I have found a picture of this same grandmother.......and there is quite a resemblance.  I hope to share this with her this week!  Dad worked with her comp and learned she is a cousin to Layne Bird. They worked on the new mobile FS apps and how to use the My Family Booklet for missionary contacting! We feel so blessed to be a tool in the miracles that happen as we seek for our families!

    Dad did a nature hike on Wed evening with 8, 11 yr old scouts and their 4 leaders. It was a fun time helping them learn about plants and animals in our area. This is a combined group from 3 wards and Ken seems to head it up. It has been a beautiful week and we were able to get some raking done & even a little fishing on a VERY windy day, up to 50 miles per hour. The worst of it was in the afternoon! We did a service project at  HS Bend while we fished by replacing 100 screws and washers on the main boat dock. Also tightened the other screws .. lots of them on this 150 ft long dock. We had the worst winds on Saturday ever at our house. . . blew over a fence in the corral and tore the tarps off Dad’s quail pens. It came from the south to start then ended up from the north west. It was also a challenge for several of the Grandkids who were at track meets, how very frustrating, the sky was brown with dirt/dust for several hours.
    Have a wonderful week, and a special Easter!   Will be wonderful to enjoy conference!     CTR & love you all.........Bro & Sis Croft

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