Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Saturday was our annual Family History Fair

Dearest Family,
    Happy 5th Birthday on Monday to Leanne!   Happy Birthday also to Kathy, we also hear you are recovering from foot surgery!  Hope you are better soon!   
    Boy, have the last two days been marathon’s!  Saturday was our annual Family History Fair with presentations from the Roots Tech Conference held in SLC in Feb.  It started at 8:00 a.m. & lasted until 4:00 p.m.   Fifteen classes were held all day, four going on at once, with a break for lunch.   Our youngest participant was 9 & the oldest was 84. We enjoyed the day so very much!  Next years is already scheduled!  Sunday’s are great days – Taught 4 classes today & next week will be workshops again!  Our evening in the center was very enjoyable, with several youth coming in & other patrons.   It has been a day of sharing the memories app & also teaching about the same part on Family Tree!  It is so wonderful the special things that can be added to create memories of each of us!

    On Monday, we attended the viewing of a special friend, we met him at the Public Library over a year ago. His wife had passed away & he was wanting to prepare to go to the temple.  Each Sunday, he sat with us in Sacrament Meeting in the 5th ward.  He then became interested in FH, Dad has recorded & typed his stories – then when audio became available they recorded more that way!  It has been a wonderful experience! We were blessed to have been his friend!
    Remember the young man I referred to who wanted to learn of his biological father’s family so he could do temple ordinances for them!  Saturday, his friend shared with me that he had become even more excited after that evening & that  he was in the temple doing baptisms for them, that very moment. 

    The interest in the two Family Search mobile apps is increasing as the word gets around. If you have not put them on your devise do it, you will enjoy them. Just go to your app store, search for family search and upload Tree and Memories apps. Takes a minute each. We all have time every day to do some audio stories even speech to text stories if you desire, then add them to the tree. Having a lot of short 5 minutes ones is the best anyway.
  Our area was blessed with 2 inches of wet snow that helped the very dry soil right now. The mountain snow pack is normal so far this year. We do a little yard work here and there to get our spring cleaning done.
    We did also hear last evening that Aunt Betty is in the hospital & is not doing well,  We will try to keep you posted as we hear more.
We love you all & CTR 
 Bro & Sis Croft

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