Monday, March 16, 2015

Sunday – always a busy one!

Dearest Family!    Happy Birthday to Dak & Tchae, his 20th!  Have a great day!
    Sunday – always a busy one!   Most of our classes were workshops today although we did have questions & discussion before working on the computers!  All went well! This evening was our Family History Fireside!  Elder Neil Andersen, Nicolle Picas Pace & Al Fox Carraway!  We were spiritually fed.  A youth family history consultant conducted, A primary girl, almost 10 said the opening prayer & an elderly sister said the closing!  It seemed all who attended enjoyed it!  Indexing Challenge is progressing – over 230,000.

    Had an enjoyable week, different!  Spent a nice evening last Monday at a baby Shower for McKinzea!  Enjoyed watching the State Dance competition on TV, Kaitlyn & Whitney were involved in that & the Jazz team placed 1st & the HipHop team 3rd! I think Darece has sent links to all of you to see! We were also able to watch some of the Lovell Girls games on TV. We enjoyed having the Grants over Saturday night for the championship game!  Wednesday afternoon was a quilting day!  This is the first time I have been able to have ladies over to quilt since I started Kenny & Rosie’s quilt the middle of January & it is just about done, abt 2 feet left!  I think I am getting faster!  Darece & Whitney also quilted some on Saturday evening!

    It has been a quieter week for appointments!  Several were out of town, some were ill or had company! I did do indexing with several this week! It is so enjoyable & a way we can all be of service. We had an evening appt with a couple who are ward missionaries – they are excited to use Family History to activate ward members & also help people to feel the spirit! Time really flies, we got busy with them, stated at 6:30 & before we knew it, it was 9:30.  We also had fun helping a Consultant add video, he was adding a 1965 recording of his mother-in-law singing songs, songs which the family referred to as her “scary songs”.  They weren’t to scary though, because when she finished singing the children would want her to sing them again! What a treasure this is to her family!

    We so enjoyed the temple this week, were able to do a session with family names on Friday then I went to a quilt show in Billings for 1 1/2 hrs . Bro Croft isn’t able to handle all the unusual odors so he picked up some items we needed at the store and waited in the Rav4!  It was a nice sunny warm spring day! The temple is such a wonderful place!
    The weather has been so warm & nice – Dad has been able to get started on some spring yard work – & I even got out there to help him a time or two! 
We love you all, CTR  Bro & Sis Croft

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