Monday, June 30, 2014

We welcome our first Great Grandson!

June 29, 2014
Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday Ryan on July 1 and Chris on July 3!   Congratulations to Kirena & Micah on the birth of their son, Emerson Darcy on June 25!  We are so excited for them & welcome our first Great Grandson!
    It was great to have Allen, Amber & Family here Friday night & Saturday.  It was Allen’s 20th class reunion! Our new water line installation was completed on Thursday morning and turned on in the house. We will enjoy this plus we kept our well in service  so we have two water sources. Al took his pigeons home too.

    We are all so very blessed!  We witness the Lord’s hand each day!  This week has been so very amazing with so very many special experiences. I helped a Sister who had been inspired to get involved by her Home Teacher. At times she has done of family history, but had put it aside for a while. She couldn’t open her PAF data files & hadn’t used yet.   She has many amazing photos & stories. She was so excited to start adding them to FS.  We are visiting her in her home to  check out things with her printer/scanner.   She has a great home teacher who knows the way to help people feel the spirit.

    A Sister who had a very busy week being involved in the organizing of Mustang Days told about doing indexing & that she found it relaxing!  the spirit does that!!    Brownie’s doing great with his indexing – he enjoys contribuing by doing this great work!
    Today was great!  In each ward people had experiences. A brother in the FHC today found the maiden name of one of his great-grandmothers on a birth certificate of one of her children!   It had been one of his road blocks for some time.     A young couple was visiting the husband’s family & came to open library!  They got their trees all connected to their deceased ancestors & she is excited to be able to work on it at home.  A young man who had been home from his mission for about a year was so excited about the Portrait Pedigree & all the photos!

    Saturday morning we received an exciting email for the Johnsons our Area FH Advisors. Family Search had selected some high performance Family History stakes and the LWS youth have been doing a lot of their own names in the temple. Over 16 percent of our youth have taken family names in the past 12 months. (the church average is 2.5 percent) The Johnson's had called Pres Caldwell to invite our stake and he had accepted the challenge . Tonight at the final TREK fireside the Stake YW Pres told the youth and explained the worldwide “Youth Temple Challenge” that will begin on July 1. Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Twelve in a youth Family History fireside in February extended this challenge:     ”Set a personal goal to help prepare as many names for the temple as baptisms you perform in the Temple. As you seek to contribute to this sacred work, both by finding those needing ordinances and then beginning their work in the temple, your own knowledge and faith in the Savior will increase.....”
    We are excited for the coming weeks as we continue to ”Hasten the work” There is much to do as we prepare, just this week we’ll be busy with several training meetings.
 Happy 4th of July & CTR! 
We love you all. . . . . .Love Bro & Sis Croft

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