Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Father’s Day to all the great Father’s in our family!

June 15,2014

Dearest Family,  
    Happy Father’s Day to all the great Father’s in our family!  We love & appreciate all of you so.   Happy Birthday to Uncle Charlie & Allen today!   Happy 20th Anniversary to Dak & Joy!
Lots of special days for family members this week! , this one was a slower one with appointments.  Several of our regulars were out of town.   Library time was slower for me.
    Tuesday  evening in the FHC  we expected several people, but life must have got in the way!  We consultants all worked together, learning new things.  Family Search keeps us very busy with all the changes.  Brother Croft was in Powell at a Friends of Big Horn Lake Mtg.
    We had some extra time at home – I was able to get a Big Sky Quilt done, except for the edge!  Dad did lots of yard work & watering.  He also replaced the attic fan which started squealing the other day!   Work on the highway is progressing with sculpturing of the driveway (it is steeper than we like). The fences were replaced in front of the orchard & pasture, also.
    Because of all this, I helped one sister by myself on Wednesday & Thursday, so Dad could be here to watch over the projects!   I was sure I needed him on Thursday to help with technical things regarding scanning!  The Sister & I  just worked thru it, reading screens carefully.   I know with all my heart that there was lots of inspiration both days!  We had lots of help finding solutions to lots of little challenges!   We both learned so very much & are grateful for all the help!

    One of the high lights of this week was a very early trip to the temple!  Dad had been doing some searching using the new Puzzilla program along with Family Search and come upon the name of John B Sinclair, the older brother of Archibald Sinclair who’s name had been shared with the temple in early 2011 and never done. So he emailed the lady who had shared it (Nancy Sinclair in southern Utah) she quickly sent a note back excited to have found a new cousin. We have emailed several times since. She unreserved John and Dad took his name to the temple having a wonderful experience doing his work. In the same session was the Mike Fink family whom we have worked with for many years....the couple had been sealed several months ago, then their oldest son, wife and baby just recently were endowed & and now the youngest son was endowed today, then all were sealed as an eternal family. Ryan was Josh’s escort and also joined Dad as  a witness to the sealing. Our cousin Ed Sessions performed the sealing ceremony. What an awesome blessing day for all concerned...many, many years of love, kindness and patience came together in the Temple that day! We never, never want to give up on anyone. . . . just stay close and keep loving them into the Gospel! ! !

    We also enjoyed a few hours at the lake on Friday a.m. we caught some catfish but the BIG one is still there. It got hooked on something coming in and we tried everything we knew to get the line loose.....finally just broke it off and came home. It was a beautiful morning to be out together!
    It has been a great week – today was a busy one with many people in working during open library time.  One ward started a class today,  abt 10 people, first lessons are hectic, but I think it went well even tho we only had 4 consultants in this ward.  We have had a wonderful evening tonight, thanks so much for the Father’s day calls & visits. 
 We love you all! & CTR 
   Bro & Sis Croft

We’ve attached several pictures & my talk on June 8th:    Nest site of the first generation of robins this summer    & lilies at the pond.  Dad put the Lily pictures on the blog!

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