Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This has been an amazing week – with many opportunities for service.

June 8, 2014
Dearest Family, 

 Happy 80th Birthday to Uncle Bruce on Monday!   Happy 15th Birthday to Kaitlyn on Friday!
    This has been an amazing week – with many opportunities for service.   It was our Public Library day & we were both busy!  I worked with Judy – she has become such a great friend, we call ourselves sisters!  Bro Croft had several people whom he helped, great day! He & his friend BL are continuing on their story project!  BL tells a story, Bro Croft records it on his Kindle, then types it.  Each week they record a few & proof read & correct the ones from the week before.

    Some of the highlights of Tues -  Had a great meeting with the NeVilles, it had been a while since we had an unrushed time to just brain storm & visit about all that is going on in Family History!  In the evening, two 11 year old scouts came in, from Ken Grant & Kirk Hopkin’s group. They had expected more, but this was just right.  We were able to help the two boys & also give Kirk & Ken help with their trees.  Come to find out the others had baseball games.

    Wednesday was a quieter day, helping one lady in the afternoon,  making corrections etc.   Had some time to make final preparations for the FH consultant training meeting.  Seemed to go well, hope they learned something that will help them. The video of Elder Fosters was used to train them in using stories/photos, partnerships and Puzzilla.org. We also told them of the new use of the My Family booklet by the FT Miss in contacting, convert retention and reactivation. This will begin in July offically but we are already training the missionaries on it.

    And Thursday turned out to be a day to always remember.   While in Cowley, waiting for people to come, I Googled “How to skype?”   I had received an email from Jane Burkholtz, our cousin in Denmark & she thought that 10-11 a.m. MST would probably be a good time, this would be 6-7 p.m. her time.  I decided it would be good to learn a little about skyping, so I googled “How to Skype”.   While reading, I was prompted to try it as I read along, And much to my surprise, I clicked on something, & there Jane was, and we were visiting!  We had a wonderful visit!  Her English is great!   It is a good thing because I don’t know Danish!  Her husband was making Piazza for their dinner, he just said hello, because he doesn’t speak as much English as she.  Bro Croft joined in & we had an hour plus visit, just getting to know each other!   What an amazing experience it was.  Her Mother, who is 94, is also very excited about the discovery of relatives in America.   Several week ago, Jane & her husband were doing some traveling & took pictures of two churches in Denmark where our family lived. I have included two attachments which gives more information about them.

    We were able to have a fishing trip on Friday morning, It was relaxing, but cold & windy. Since we were out there, the water has risen enough to launch boats now at Horseshoe Bend so we will be getting the boat ready to take out!  Received a call this a.m. from  Judy, that her Daughter-in law, age 50, had passed very suddenly. She had had a heart attack. They had a gathering just for family on Sunday morning at their home & we were invited to come. Bro Croft visited with Judy’s son & they really hit it off. They have many common interests. Their home is just on the very north edge of Lovell & he has fields & river bottom land on three sides & wildlife coming around lots.
    On Sat we did yard work, prep for Sunday, I worked on my FH talk for the Lovell 5th ward. I may type it up, it has many stories about our family, since it was about “why we should learn about our ancestors”
  We love you all!    Have a great week  & CTR 
   Bro & Sis Croft

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