Monday, April 7, 2014

It has been so great to hear our Prophet & apostles speak!

April 6, 2014

Dearest Family,
    It has been so great to hear our Prophet & apostles speak!   We love General conference!  Dad invited two brethern to attend priesthood meeting with him. It has been an inspiring weekend!  So refreshing to hear the Lord’s servants give practical, daily advise on how to enjoy the Gospel each day in an increasingly wicked world! Of course, this quote was a favorite, “Hastening family history & temple work in our day is essential for the salvation & exaltation of families” Quinton L Cook.
   It was wonderful to get together tonight for a family dinner! We missed a few who were gone to SLC & other places!   Our week has been a busy one with all the regular activities!   We did do a FHEvening this week with a family of six,  including two 9 year old sons who are excited about adding pictures! We met with the parents the week before to help them get names for the temple on Friday.
    Also helped a sister with her scanner!   We’ll check back with her this eek to see if our instructions are working.  It is great to be able to help people with the equipment they have so they can do it at home! Wednesday was a busy night with a FH Consultant training meeting, we just enjoyed this time & others did the training.  That is nice occasionally! Helped two youth groups, but had a little confusion!  We still are unsure what happened!  One ward was scheduled for the FHC.   Another ward, we thought was going to bring laptops so they could work in another room in the church & we were ready.  That ward was doing other things & another ward showed up expecting to work in the FHC.  We didn’t have enough room or computers.  A little confusing – so we were able to show them a John Bytheway Video about FH and a youth panel testifying of their success with FH in their stake!   We feel blessed that this doesn’t happen very often & that there are other things we can do!  Very grateful for the guidance that we receive at these times.
Hurray - It was perm  & haircut time!   Thanks Darece.    The weather was nice on Friday a.m. so we were able to get a little fishing time in at HS Bend ramp area.  Came home with two catfish, we are ready for some fresh fish to eat!!!!. Also enjoyed going to the Grand March for the Whitney’s prom! 

Hastening Family History and Temple Work in our day is essential for the salvation and exaltation of families!  Elder Quintin L Cook - Apostle

Have included a few favorite quotes from General Conference!  Thought you might enjoy!

We love you all & CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

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