Monday, March 31, 2014

It has been a great day!

Dearest Family,
    Happy 10th Anniversary, Allen & Amber!
    It has been a great day!  A 5th Sunday & we were able to give a Memories - Photos & Stories lesson to the Youth & Adults in a ward. We just pray that they will feel the spirit when they see the photos in their own tree!  Today we were able to add the photo of the parents of the Bishop.  We were also able to share the Portrait Pedigree of the HP Group Leader – he has family members who have added a lot of photos!
    We finished up with two youth classes today, just in time for General conference this week & Stake Conference next week!  The young people enjoy the classes!  They have been able to get ready for their Trek Experience, some have found names & others the story of an ancestor to take with them on the Trek!

    Monday was a finish up day after our FH Fair- taking down posters & returning a wheel chair.  We attended the funeral of Bessie Zeller, & had our usual time in the Public Library with several patrons – they are tops! We were also able to visit with two of our newer Bishops about the blessing of Family History in their wards & how it can help the members! 
    Tuesday – three appts! And patrons in the center!  We are beginning to see people working on their tree at home more, then coming in when they have a challenging problem.  It was good tonight – a consultant assigned to help in the center,  a patron & myself all learning as we corrected a tree!

    Wednesday – FH meeting to critique the FHFair – several appointments, one to set up accounts for 2 young boys, & get their trees & their Mom & Dads connected. In the process, Dad found the info on a deceased uncle whom he was named after & reserved the temple ordinances for him. We will be having a FHE there tomorrow & have them look at, & add photos & a story!   That is a fun evening for them & they love it!  Several groups of YW were looking for stories & names, one in Cowley & one in Lovell.  Bro Croft & I helped in Cowley & witnesses one young lady with quite a sad background feel the spirit of the work.  Her comment as we finished the evening,  “I wish we could do this every week – it’s sure fun!” The Ward Consultant who helped her was still talking about it today & how special it was! 
    Thursday – our morning in Cowley!  Darece came by in the afternoon & we analyzed Whitney’s prom dress.   I’m glad I am able to help them. 

    Friday – was able to help with the dress at Darece’s house & in the afternoon we relaxed it has been a busy couple of weeks.
    Saturday – laundry, cleaning, preparations for Sunday, etc.    We went to Powell in the afternoon! Chalin had his wisdom teeth our this week and was pretty sore and swollen. He reported that he and friends had gone to Deaver Reservoir to campout and fish but it was still ice covered. They had a nice night however. We checked Horseshoe Bend web cam and saw the ice mostly gone off of it. This is the latest date for it to be ice free for many years! Dak and the boys helped us load so we could  haul our last two file cabinets and a soil grinder home. Thanks men!!!

    Daeja met me at the door when we arrived announcing that she had her LDS account! (When youth turn eight they can get one) We spent the next hour looking at her tree!  She had already added some pictures & we were able to link them! We had fun!
    What a blessing it was to attend the first ever all Women’s Broadcast in SLC for every sister 8 years old and up!  I had two great companions,  Kenya & Daeja!  So many special principles shared, it is hard to pick one which really stands out in my mind.
    Love to all of you & CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

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