Monday, April 21, 2014

We pray that your Easter was a wonderful one

April 20, 2014

Dearest Family! 
       We pray that your Easter was a wonderful one filled with love for your family & of your Savior Jesus Christ.
     We have had a wonderful day of worship & service!  What could be better! Today was filled with our normal Sunday schedule. Sacrament Meeting – 4 classes, so very nice to be back to helping people!  Brother Croft had the opportunity to work with two new High Priest Group Leaders.  I spent time with new consultants, reviewing lessons & Family search. Tonight, also was busy in the FHCenter.  In one class today, a sister had brought a non-LDS friend. We worked together showing her about Family History.  She was totally amazed at what was available & how one could view original records & learn about our ancestors!   Several today were totally amazed & grateful for the amazing pictures, stories & records that are available! An interesting success, Bro Croft scanned on the copy machine -  to a thumb drive, a tattered, handwritten person history. It was 17 pages, both sides. Now the patron can add this to Family Search! What a treasure!  I am so grateful for all the tools we have in this day, computers, indexed records & indexers,  modern day technology – what a blessing it all is. Again the spirit witnessed to many today thru the power of pictures, especially, the greatness of this work! We witnessed their hearts softened & caught up in the work!
    Our weekday activities were much the same, maybe a few less appointments, but still so special. Wednesday was our day to cover the FHC. I had a great day with several patrons &  consultants at the FHC. One was a convert some years back & things are just beginning to open up!  So-o- fun when the spirit is there!
    Bro Croft had a Big Horn Lake Issues Group Meeting that day also. One man has at times been very one-sided about the lake issues but still he and I have become friends. Bro Croft shared:  “I had the opportunity to share FH with this non-LDS Montana friend. His eyes were riveted to my name tag prompting him to ask about FH.  He spoke of how recently he had a constant drive to get know about his ancestors. He couldn’t get it out of his mind lately & wondered if I could help him. With a group growing around us, I shared how one can do FH now and that I  could help him. We are continuing to communicate on FH by email. Its wonderful when the Holy Ghost prompts all people concerning their heritage!!
     Friday & Saturday were so very special!  Joy, Ky, Symphony, Kenya, & Daeja came & spent the night with us!  Dak, Chalin &friends were making a trip to Laramie. We so appreciate all the help they were – yard work, plumbing, oil change, etc.  Darece, Talon & Kaitlyn also pitched in Friday afternoon.  We had fun making marshmellow Easter eggs, playing games, fishing, even a Treasure Hunt on Saturday a.m.  Thanks for all of your service to us each week! The pond was a busy place this weekend, Bro Wellman also brought some of his family out both days to fish and had a wonderful time!
   Water line still isn’t here yet. We are hoping they finish up down the road because we are next! We’re staying close to home today, anticipating their arrival to bore under the highway into the greenhouse so that it can be hooked up.  Ky & Joy both helped Dad with some plumbing in the house!
    The weather is beautiful!  The daffodils are blooming in front of the house, WOW!!!!  Hoping to do a little weed burning this a.m. We love you all, have a great day & CTR        Love Bro & Sis Croft

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