Monday, April 14, 2014

Today was great!

April 13, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Happy belated Birthday to Ira, he turned 8 years old on Tuesday!!!!!  Happy Belated Birthday on Wednesday to Kirena!!!!!  Happy Birthday this Tuesday to Chalin!    We love you all!
The weeks seemed different – the last two Sunday’s have been General & Stake Conferences!  We are out of sink & we are ready to get back into our normal routine, even tho it is busier!
Today was great!  Many special words of council, & again we heard the words relating to FH & temple work.    From the Billings Montana temple, youth were challenged to go to the temple weekly, any time of the day, without an appointment for baptisms!  What a blessing that is for them.  With the new youth Temple Recommend it makes this possible!
    Sister Niedens, an assistant matron in the BMT, spoke today!  She prefaced her comments by saying, “at 3:00 a.m. this morning I was inspired to change my talk for today!”   She told of being sealed to her parents this past week.  She then went on to tell about the importance of sharing our memories of our family in Family Search.  She challenged the youth to asked a grandparent to tell them a story about their grandparents  or parents & record it in FS.   We each remember special stories about parents & grandparents or other relatives. When we are gone, the stories will be gone! She also testified of the blessing which technology is & how it is for the Lord’s work.  We each make the choice, will it bless our life or drag us down under Satan’s influence?  Several sisters visited with us about helping them in the coming weeks.  That will be great!  President Niedens counseled us to help other members of our stake with their temple names, for the Lovell Wyoming Stake box is overflowing.  One young Women has found ?00 names.   We also have several adults in our stake who are converts with lots of names to do.
Dad was busy with two extra service meetings mid week. He held his last FOBHL Board meeting as President after 8 years in that position and also resigned from the board to become an Advisor and serve as board secretary. It has been a very successful many years for FOBHL plus all the years before working on Lake issues before FOBHL was formed in 2006 (FOBHL = Friends of Bighorn Lake). He encouraged the board to take FOBHL to the next level in the coming years! ! ! He also attended the annual Northwest College/LDS scholarship award meeting in Powell for 3 hours to award about 23 students over $55,000 this year. He has been on this committee for 20 years since this program began. I had a great visit that evening with Gaye, Frank & Evee.   Was a nice evening!
We went to HSBend cat fishing on Friday morning getting only a 6 lb carp that gave dad a good fight. We will use it for bait next time out. This will be our last time out there for awhile since it will be a mud flat by this weekend, as the USBR drain the lake to provide storage for the high snow run off this spring! We attended the funeral for Chuck Hayes at the Methodist church in Lovell. We have been working with 2 of his grand daughters in Cowley on FH plus Dad knew him well from helping him with High School science projects for many years.
    Saturday was a great day also!   We were in Worland with Ira for his baptism! What a privilege that was!   Dad spoke about the Holy Ghost in our life by sharing stories of how the Holy Ghost can help us in our daily lives. These stores are in his Family search  pages for all to read. Had a wonderful lunch with all the family.  Dad helped Melvin and Al with a project in the shop while I helped  Ira set up LDS Account.  He & Amber wrote about his baptism & then he uploaded a picture of he & his Dad taken just before his baptism. What a treasure this will be for his family in the coming years!
    It has been fun to exchange emails with a Cousin in Denmark, Jane’s great-grandmother & my grandfather are siblings. We completed a story & posted it in FS, both in English & in Danish. What an amazing world we live in, blessed to be able to communicate so quickly!
We love you all, CTR 

Bro & Sister Croft

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