Monday, March 3, 2014

Still winter!!!!!!! Even had a snow day!!!!!

March 2, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Still winter!!!!!!! Even had a snow day!!!!! We awoke to snow again on Monday!  6” We canceled our time in the Public Library & did prep things, reviewing videos, preparing for upcoming Family History Day, some research for a patron, indexing, & I did some quilting – then that ever present snow shoveling project!  Surprise - another 4” on Saturday .  The temps went to well below zero 4 nights with a low of –16 below on Wed night. The weatherman sayes it is to be a warm week – above freezing nights and high 30’s days – we are sure praying he is right! I guess I am almost ready for some mud again!
    It has been a week of lots of variety!  On Wednesday afternoon, we helped with an Activity Day with young ladies – it was their second time. Several brought in pictures to scan & add to their tree! What great young ladies!  Went to Byron to help YW  - they were all going great – then the inevitable – the internet crashed!  They are always so patient about it!  On Friday we worked on it again & have decided it is an equipment issue when we heard it crashed again today (Sunday).

    Today was the first day with all the new wards – lots of changes for everyone.  The Bishop of the Second ward is David Briggs with Ryan Mangus & Jack Carpenter as counselors!  It was fun to hear about the members of our old second ward being called to various callings in their new wards.
    FH classes continued, with three youth classes & one adult class this week! There were new people in the various classes because of the changes in boundaries.  We had open library in several other wards.  We are extra busy now after all the ward changes getting people registered for the Stake FH Day on March 22. There will be so much awesome information given we want as many as possible to benefit from it!

    It is great to see an increase in the patrons on Sunday & Tuesday evenings!  Both days were busy this week – we love it!
    Al and Ambers family came early Sat so the boys could work on their 2 Pinewood Derby cars and visit. We enjoyed being together for lunch and  those afternoon hours before the reception!

    The Lovell Lanes bowling alley was a buzz on Saturday evening as friends and family gathered for Bo & McKinzea’s open house! Everyone had a great time visiting, bowling and eating all the yummy goodies. At 7:00 pm, on the PA system, Bo thanked everyone for coming and said  “ the parties over! It was very cold outside but so warm and friendly inside! Mom helped the ladies keep the food area supplied while I enjoyed the people!

We love you all!  CTR!
Bro and Sister Croft

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