Monday, March 10, 2014

Warm, in the 50 degree range,

March 9, 2014

Dearest Family;
    Another wonderful Sabbath day - - - and week!  Warm, in the  50 degree range, plenty of  mud, slush & water in various places! We are enjoying the warmer days, tho! We had wonderful meetings today, & great classes & open library time – with great people coming in to work, youth & adults both!
    Dad did a TV interview on Monday a.m.  A lady from Cody does shorts about various topics for several TV stations in Casper & Billings.  She had done one several years with Dad about Big Horn Lake & wanted to do another now on this high snow pack year.   We did hear from friends that it was on the Casper TV sometime last week, but we didn’t see it our selves. 
    Wednesday was a busy one, with preparations for a Consultant training meeting & two youth groups after the Meeting!  A YW’s group about 12 of them & a YM & YW group of 25 from another ward. 
     We just use different rooms in the bldg & have one group bring their own computers.  They are getting ready for Trek, finding a name for the temple & a story about an ancestor.  We had several in the FHC tonight working on the same projects.
    Friday was a wonderful day in Billings.   Was so great to be in the temple!  It was a busy day there with a full session even at 10 a.m. We surely enjoyed it. We also visited with friends from UW days & Bro Croft discovered that a man (now retired from the USBR) whom he has worked with over the years doing Lake Stuff is a member & was in the temple!
    Dad washed the car on Saturday, it was a mess with all the dirty melting snow on the roads. The snow here at home is melted down to only a few inches from the almost three feet we had a week ago. All the fields have large ponds in them since the ground is still frozen. Ice jams are causing flooding on most rivers in our area plus the Yellowstone River at Laurel yesterday was really plugged up at the refinery bridge and flooding, but by afternoon, it had moved down river leaving 10 ft ice walls on the land. A field at Bridger also was covered by large ice chunks over 3 ft thick. Bighorn Lake has risen 3 ft in less than 48 hours with all the low elevation melting sending high water into it.

Ice jam in Worland causing flooding
(Allen took this photo)

    We have a busy schedule this week again and it will be very warm too. Final prep is being done for our Family History Day on March 22.  Each day, as we have helped our patrons, we witness the spirit bearing witness to them of the sacredness of this great work. This happens whether they are indexing, preparing names for the temple,  looking at, reading or adding photos an stories.

    Love you all, have a great week!
        Brother and Sister Croft 

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