Monday, September 16, 2013

Where do I begin? This has been an amazing week!

Sept 15, 2013
Dearest Family,
    Where do I begin?   This has been an amazing week! We have had our normal activities, then many extra’s added in.   I worked at the Blood draw two mornings, 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. Was also able to do part of my visiting teaching. One of our sister’s had surgery, so took bread & chicken & noodles to her. Wednesday was a study day, reviewing many things on the computer & I studied the pedigree’s of several people I help. One amazing discovery on was a “Family Stories FH lesson”.   It is to be taught by the Bishop in a combined lesson with RS, Priesthood, & YM-YW. It has the most amazing short videos & is so inspiring.  There is a new booklet to be used by each ward member to do some stories and their family tree called “My Family – Stories that bring us together! What a sweet spirit we felt as we have studied it & used some of the videos for training!   
    Thursday pm, we had an appt with a FHConsultant, JM, to continue her training, we felt inspired to call RL, a nonmember, who exclaimed, “I was just praying for your help, I’ll be right down” so, we had two to help! The Sister Missionaries dropped in, they were waiting for transportation for Sister Taylor, who was returning home after a successful mission.  She is a convert of 3 years. Sister NeVille had helped her prepare her grandmothers name for temple ordinances on Wed.  She & I found a great aunt she could also do.  On Friday, before leaving for home, she went to the Billings Temple and was baptized for both!  The NeVilles happened to be there when she completed this and shared in the joy which she felt!   She told them, “now there are three in her family who were members of the church!”  President Meacum, Billings Montana Mission President, also shared this experience with everyone at Stake Conference today, & expressed the joy which she felt!
    When we arrived home at 5:00 pm, there was a message from a High Priest Group Leader whom we had been trying to meet with for 6 months, wanting to meet.  We returned his call. He and his wife wanted to meet at 6:30pm. He is beginning to catch the vision of this great work and will inspire & direct his ward.  We met with another HP Group leader this afternoon, & he, too, is catching the vision!
     In addition, Stake Conference was amazing!  President Jordan, Temple Pres, said, “Family History will improve your whole life” speaking of all aspects of it bringing the Holy Ghost into our lives. Elder Rhodes of the 70 quoted President Hunter, “We need to receive both halves of the blessing”  To continue, he stated that to increase the influence & presence  of the Holy Ghost in our lives, we can 1st: do Family History & 2nd: improve our marriages. He also reminded us that if we have more names than we can do in our temple file, to immediately release them so that those waiting can receive the blessings.   Then on Sunday, he read the quotes of Elder Scott & Elder Bednar where they promised “that the youth and adults will be protected against the influence of the advisary by doing this work”   Aren’t we all in need of this protection?!. 
    Bro Croft felt inspired this a.m. early to call a certain Bishop. After trying several times, he called one of his counselors who replied, Bishop has been trying to call you?  When the Bishop was reached, he proceeded to express what he wanted to do in his ward for a 5th Sunday Lesson this month. Bro Croft asked him to go to his computer into , there in the FH section  was “Family Stories FH lesson”.  a new lesson just released this week that was exactly what he desired! They both shared their spiritual witness of this great work & the Lord’s hand in it!  About 30 minutes later another ward’s first councilor called with the same request. Some days its hard to believe what we experience as the Lord moves this work forward in our stake! We are so grateful to be a small part of this awesome experience with our saints here! We witness this FH work (all areas eg: indexing, photo & stories, genealogy, oral history, journaling, Family search/FTree)  are true and blesses all who do it!!!!
We love you all  & CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

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