Monday, September 23, 2013

Today was a great one!

September 22, 2013
Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday, Krysta!  Well, time flies so quickly! 
    Today was a great one! Sacrament Mtg with Ethan Croft & Ben Cuch speaking, then in the afternoon, we heard Guy Jones was speaking! They were each a spiritual feast! Three Sunday School classes: a youth class & two adult ones! One sister had been adding lots of photos & stories to the tree! It was great to see her enjoying this part of the program. Another ward had an open workshop & I was able to help a brother! Sunday evening was also busy in the FHC. Had 9 people who spent time tonight working, asking questions, & seeking for loved ones. Bro Croft has continued to share the Sunday, Family Stories Family History lesson with HP Group leaders.  We will be helping with this presentation in two wards next Sunday!  The work continues to move along!
    FHE this week was with a family, husband, wife, adult son, & husband’s retired brother! We did indexing & all enjoyed it so very much!  Today they shared with us that they were continuing to work on it & are enjoying! Retired brother was talking to a neighbor who has time on his hands & would also enjoy it!  We talked to him, but he needs to do some upgrading on his computer.
    Wednesday was our day to cover the FHC in the morning! We arrived to find them spraying for bugs in the building. We were able to open up the building, but Dad decided not to take a chance, so he came home. Sister Nazer & I stayed. We each had a patron to work with, so that was good. Wednesday evening, we were scheduled to help a Laurels group do indexing in Cowley, only to find the power off when we arrived. They decided to come to Lovell instead!  Sure enjoyed working with them. They learn so quickly & do a great job!
    We’ve been in several other homes, just helping them get into the grove of working on FH again! Our new consulting time on Thursday mornings in Cowley will be busy this week! With the harvest on and our highway under construction we have to be extra careful driving. We use several alternate routes to get to our appointments.
    We had a fun morning of fishing at the Lake, 8 fish, kept 3 nice catfish,  Had two trips to Powell this week, thanks Dak for adjusting us! Bro Croft also had an LDS Scholarship Committee Meeting with the new NW College President. She is very excited about what the LDS families and students do for NWC!  We attended the funeral of Doyle Moncur, plus going to the first half of the Lovell vs Lyman football game. We enjoyed the game and seeing Whitney and Kaitlyn dance as part of the LHS Dance Team at half time.

     Many things are prayed over in our home as well as in yours.  Several months ago, we found it necessary to upgrade my computer then Mid-week I dropped it.  When It came back on, the moniter was blinking terribly & the mouse pointer caused the blinking to come & go!!!!!   It was awful!  I prayed over it in my personal prayers, & I am sure Bro Croft did also!  We feel so blessed & thankful that by Sunday it was back to normal, working correctly, without any problem.
We love you all and appreciate your prayers in our behalf!   CTR
        Bro and Sister Croft

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