Monday, September 2, 2013

We have had a wonderful week, all the normal activities,

Sept 2, 2013

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday last week to Micah Vehrs, Bill, & Gaye.   This week to Darece!  
    We have had a wonderful week, all the normal activities, phone support, indexing & the public library. We have had several appointments with people for the first time.   AB is a sister who is a convert, so has a wonderful tree to research.  These are the kinds I love,  the original research is so fun & exciting to me. Our evenings in the FHC were busy ones, with 4-6 people in.  We so enjoy working with the different patrons!
    Today we had 2 youth classes,  one is just finishing up.  In August, the Come Follow Me lessons were on families & Family History.  We taught the youth in one ward for the last 3 weeks.  It was a fun group, we enjoyed it & we felt they did also.  In another ward, the second group of youth started a series of lessons.  They have worked on finding names before & are excited to learn more! We also had two adult classes today, at the end of each group of classes, we do several workshops so people can work on the things we have talked about. In these today were couples in which the husband is a convert.  During these, the wards announce that anyone in the ward can come in & work, an open library time for members to asked questions, etc.  Today, we also had several people drop by the library, just to say, “you have inspired me, my wife and I started indexing again after 2 years. Sure felt good”  Some of the youth thanked us for helping them get temple names saying “Doing my own family names changed me” We also shared a story from the Heber City, UT girls camp where thousands of YW from 12 to 18 yr old attend for a week.  A YW with cerebral palsy with only the use of her right index finger has indexed 400,000 names! One person with love and desire can perform miracles even when severely physically challenged!
    Last Tues evening, there were lots of missionaries around the church from the Riverton, Thermopolis, Worland area, waiting for vans. It was their turn to go to the Billings MT Temple.  The Zone leaders came into the FHC to see if there was some service they could do?  They were visiting with Bro Croft & asked him “How his mission had affected his family?” After sharing it, they desired that he share it at their next Zone meeting, but guess what? It is in Riverton?  So that they didn’t forget details, when they retold it, they requested that he write it up for them.   We have decided to include it with this letter and post it on our blog.
    Dad and I went to Big Horn Lake, Crooked Creek bay area on Friday morning cat fishing in our boat from 9:30am to 12:30. We had a wonderful time together while catching several cat fish of various sizes, none large enough to eat however.....
    Fall is in the air the past few morning with temps in the high 40’s! Plus we attended part of the Lovell Bulldogs first football game where Whitney and Kaitlynn danced at halftime.
    We love you all & have a great week!  CTR
Bro & Sister Croft   

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