Monday, September 30, 2013

Today was a spiritual high!

September 29, 2013

Dearest Family,
    Each week, it’s great to write and bring everyone up to date!  A normal week, anyway it started that way, the public library, indexing, FHC Tuesday, our morning in Cowley with several patrons to help, and a house call or two.

    It was great to have Bill & Kathy come on Thursday.   Kathy & I worked on FH and corrected the Shoopman line.  What a spiritual experience that was!   We were able to find censuses and other documentation which helped us. It was a special blessing to do this and have it all turn out perfectly!  On Friday we went to Billings Temple! Friday evening Trina & Trista had dinner with us!     Bill and Kathy went home on Saturday morning....we had a wonderful time together!

    The first frost of the fall occurred Friday night too, didn’t hurt much here. There is fresh snow on all the mtn tops around us! There was a herd of 10 mule deer here just before they left. We finished our pDay items on Saturday too then went to the burial of Daisy Sessions in Byron at 4pm. She is Uncle Newell Sessions (Gdpa Alvins youngest brother) wife, they lived in Thermopolis most of their life. We enjoyed visiting with the family. Dad and Mom were always close to Daisy and Newell. Rena and Janet attended the Gen Rel Soc Mtg tonight.

    As usual our Sunday was another great day!!!!!   Today was a spiritual high!  The Lovell 1st ward, the one we normally attend right now, had a great Testimony meeting, with 6 youth testifying of the influence which FH had had in their lives.   Also some of the adults also testified about FH.  Our youth SS class also was excited about it, and were wishing for more temple excursion, “when we have an excursion planned it motivates me to work harder to find names—“.  Then for the 5th Sunday lesson, the Bishop presented the “Family Stories Lesson” which comes from the brethern in SLC. The adults, YM & YW were all there, with everyone participating. The youth shared their experiences and responded in the discussions, along with parents and youth acknowledging how it was affecting their lives. The spirit bore testimony to this great work!  Another Bishop in Cowley also taught this lesson and it, too, was a spiritual feast!  The members are excited to write and share their stories!  See link below on Family Stories.

    We were also invited by the stake presidency to give presentations in the Stake Bishops meeting and in a Stake High council Meeting.  Prayers are answered. We feel so blessed to be a part of this great work!  We witness every week the hand of the Lord in it & are amazed! 

  CTR & we love you all! 
 Bro & Sis Croft

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