Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We have had a great week - an at home week & weekend!

September 3, 2017
Dearest Family,
 Happy Birthday, Darece, on Monday, September 4!  Happy 5th Anniversary to Micah & Kirena!   Congratulations to Nathan & Bri who were married on Saturday, September 2!  Here's a link to a video of them leaving the temple!  Hope it works!

We have had a great week - an at home week & weekend!  Today we actually went to our own ward!  It was great!  Then an afternoon spent at home - sure was strange - we hardly knew what to do!   Climbed around in the tree's of a Bishop & his wife in preparation for training we will do in the coming weeks!  

We have had several trainings this week!  they are always nice!  I have spent every day quilting with wonderful ladies who come & help!  I appreciate them all so much!  I hope to finish the quilting on Monday!  then the binding will be all that is left!  It is a great feeling!

Dad has had some fun fishing days this week - WednesdayFriday & Saturday! As he tells it:   Wednesday to pond 5 to try for Lg Mouth bass and hybrid sun fish. I used grasshoppers on a #8 Abereen hook set under a bobber 2' down. The fish were only 12 ft from shore in 2 ft of warm water. I started with two poles but soon did only one so I could keep up with the catching. I kept a dozen of the nice ones, they are great to eat!!  Friday Shane Roberts and I went back to pond 5 and were intending to use the flatboat but too much wind so we shore fished. The hybrids were just in the nibble off the grasshopper mode today so we only caught one but lots of fun trying. Sat Mom and I went to HSbend by the rock hump near the 57 mile marker. There were hundreds of fish on the sonar and we started catching as usual around 10am. We caught 5 cats and 2 carp. Mom and I had fish on the same time so she helped me land mine with one hand then she reeled in hers but it was a double, 2 catfish, one on each hook. It was a fun 1 1/2 hrs of catching in 25 ft of water with the fish on the bottom. Shane and I will be going again soon. He had to retire early due to some new health issues . . . . so it helps him deal with this new challenge! 

It was fun to go to Melvin & Ira's Cross Country Meet on Thursday afternoon at the Foster Gulch golf course. Wow there was a big group this year!  They both seemed to enjoy it!  Amber and the other children came too. Al was away on a work assignment in western Wyoming.

Vicki reported Thursday,
 Hello family. This pic is of cozy last night. We are juggling today- mr micah had some hip surgery scheduled for today. Since they were in the valley,  they took cozy to her neurologist cuz shes not keeping much down. Her MRI showed more fluid where the brain collapse is. She'll have surgery this morning to drain the fluid and micahs surgery will be around noon. Poor kirena.
From kirena-- Thursday evening, 
Cozy looks so good :) awake- in zero pain, stats are great. She found her hands and is content ;) Dr said surgery went really good- they took off 120 cc's! Imaging tomorrow, then a follow-up in four weeks.  

Vicki reported Saturday evening that all was going well in the Vehr's Family.  Kirena, Micah, & Cozy had return to Logan.  Emerson would be staying with her for a few days! 

We love you all, hope you are having a great holiday weekend!      Mom & Dad

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