Monday, January 30, 2017

Can you believe it

Dearest Family
     Happy Birthday to Bryan on Wednesday!!! Saturday is that special "Happy Birthday" day for Kenya & Daeja, they are 13 & 11!!!    Hope each of you have a wonderful day!  
     What a great day!   Went to Ward Conference in our own ward this a.m.- then on to the Cowley 2nd Ward to speak in their sacrament meeting & also do a 5th Sunday FS Tree app training Lesson  in RS/Priesthood!   Was a great day but feel like we had traveled miles & miles - don't know why some days are so exhausting!  We felt like all went well & seeds were planted in some hearts! This ward is doing well in FH!

      Can you believe it - this week we have had two days above 35 degrees & only one morning below 0 degrees.   It is a real heat wave!!!!!!
      It seems this week has been a prep week!   Every so often we have one of those.  Had some cancellations due to sickness & other things with people. Wednesday evening we were in Powell 4th ward doing their YM/YW group. They are so fun because they have so much tech ability so it is just teaching the family  history Tree app skills. Later in the week we followed up with calls and more advanced training to several of the adults in that group who had some problems in their trees. 

       I spent Tuesday in Billings, Darece & I had a nice day working in the Temple, helping in the laundry.  Did a little shopping, too. Dad spent his day doing a FH presentation for the Bozeman stake conf Sat night mtg on Feb 11. He also visited Rosie and played with Lucy! I have attached some pictures of our babies!  Brindle & Paisley are both at home & growing!    Cozy is growing also almost up to 3 lbs!

      We enjoyed watching Melvin's wrestling match in Basin Thursday afternoon!  Also went to a Basketball game in Lovell that Talon played in!!!!  Michelle and Rob were here for supper and visiting  on Sat evening!
A special week to enjoy!  Love you all!   Mom & Dad

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dad & I enjoyed watching the inauguration!

Dearest Family,
     Happy Birthday this week to Whitney on Wednesday, Jan 25th & Nathan on Friday, Jan 28th!   Hope you each have a great day!!!  Our baby girls all seem to be doing well!  Feel so blessed! 

     It was a great day!  We were able to attend our own ward!  So great to see everyone, even if we were speaking!  Also attended and spoke in the Lovell 1st Ward!   Some of you know Christy Collins Jacobson, she & her husband, Brady, shared their experience in the temple last week when they were sealed & Dino was sealed to them!   How wonderful!
      It has been a good week:   Skype training, a trip to the temple, & a visit with Pres Getz, the temple president!   It was so nice to have a several days of moderate temperatures,  all above 0.  Tuesday evening I attended the Lovell 2nd Rel Soc social a nice 2 hrs together as sisters! On Thursday it even got up to 37 degrees - a real heat wave!  It was nice to go to several basketball games this week!
      Dad & I enjoyed watching the inauguration!   In fact we watched parts of it all day!  Have included a link to an interesting bit of info!  If it doesn't open when you click on it then copy & paste into your web browser!

We watched these events then saw parts of it on the various news channels and oh how they tear it apart turning it into negative issues. It's easy to see why todays news groups are being blasted for false news etc.
A wife of a stake prescy councilor called us one morning so excited about taking her own names to the temple then finding more names on her drive back home that day.  We recd the annual FH reports this week and our seven stakes are doing great. Everyone has a ward or two that is really moving which will fire up the others. We're grateful to be apart of the hastening of the Lord's Work! ! We will be in the Bozeman stake in mid Feb for 2 days during their stake conference doing training. We appreciate all your prayers for us as we do this work for the Lord blesses us everyday do very much!
Love you all Mom & Dad

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

WOW did it snow this week!

Dearest Family,
      Oops - I was so excited announcing the latest babies & the engagement, I completely forgot to check on birthdays for the week!     A belated Happy Birthday to Michelle, she celebrated last Saturday!  And today, Sunday, Happy Birthday to Mica! Its her 19th birthday!
       WOW did it snow this week! Tuesday evening when I returned home from McKinzea's Pampered Chef party it was so cold, blowing & snowing!  I thought whoa, maybe we are in for an old fashioned blizzard!  We got up Wednesday morning to 4" of light fluffy stuff & no wind!  By noon we had a total of 17 inches of the beautiful white fluffy stuff!  And now it is 5 days later & we still have had no wind!  But the temperatures have bottomed out like & range from -10 degrees to -25 degrees. The high for the days have gotten up to 10 degrees above zero!  It has been a frigid last few days!   To our best recollection it was in 1978 when we had such a snow storm. By spring that year there was 5 ft of snow in our orchard but it was not as cold. Thank goodness we have a snow blower, which Dad used to clear the driveway and paths so we can do chores and he can do his walks!  It has been a must have this winter!

     On day Darece & I scoured out a couple of cupboards in the kitchen- she did the floor work & I washed things in the sink!  Since we didn't go to the temple in December to work in the laundry, she had picked up 5 pair of pants which needed heming! Had a nice morning getting that accomplished!
      Kept busy this week with Skype appointments!  We also helped in our stake with the monthly FH training meeting, alway so nice to see our friends here at home! Today was spent in Worland 3rd Ward. They are already doing some things in FH & several in the Ward council shared very special experiences!  "It is a very special experience when I am doing the name of an ancestor!"        "Today I had an uneasy feeling about someone & decided to do a little more looking. Clicked on an obituary which I don't usually look at. And there it was, a NEW family & their children."    " A Consultant was helping a Brother in the FHC & they were not making any progress! She felt inspired to ask if they could have a prayer together & he volunteered to say it.  After the prayer he said,  I think we should work on this line - there they found success!"

     Enjoyed several sporting events on Saturday - Melvin was in Lovell at a Middle School Wrestling Tournament, his first ever!  He got to wrestle in 4 matchs, the last one was for 3rd place.   We enjoyed watching him so much!  Allen's family all came out for lunch, also Amber's Mom & sister, Rachelle & two children!  In the afternoon, Dad & I went to Cowley to watch Talon's basketball game & then the girls game, Kaitlyn is a manager of that team! 

Love you all CTR as always Mom and Dad

Monday, January 9, 2017

My OH My, just where do we start!

January 8, 2017
Dearest Family!
 My OH My, just where do we start!   It has been an amazing week!  
       Last Monday:   We received a call from Tchae & Cheyenne Cook!  They are engaged!!!!   Congratulations to them also!!!!!   The most exciting!   Today - Jan 8, 2017 in Salt Lake, great grand daughters,   Paisley Jade weighing 4lbs 1 oz & Brindle Iris weighing 4 lbs 15 ozs,  Mom: Lindsay, Dad: Connor  & daughters are all doing great!  Paisley was in NICU but will probably get out tomorrow!  Congratulations!!!!!
     Now for the rest of the week - We had a great time with Allen, Amber & family on Monday & Tuesday.  They came on Monday morning. We had hoped to do some outdoor activities, fishing, sledding, etc but temps were below zero so it was all indoors!  ping-pong, crocheting, playing games etc & FHE doing a new app for kids using your own FH from  We did have a great time.  Tues Allen, Amber & Melvin went to Billings for his first temple trip. Mom, Dad and Melvin all had their own names for baptisms! The rest of the family visited Aunt Darece for the day then were here for dinner before they headed back to Worland!  We enjoyed them all so much!

     During the rest of the week we were busy with 8 Skype  or phone training appointments!  Many of these were preparations for our meetings in Thermopolis today!  These are special times! It was a very cold week with nights 15 to 25 below and most days barely above zero.  We were also in Cowley on Thursday morning, went to the Living Center to help several with indexing & I helped a sister with pictures that afternoon!  And just to make things exciting, we started hearing another squeal from the furnace!  Dad discovered that a belt had several cracks in it - just so happened that the local hardware store had the replacement belt which we needed!  I am so very thankful for the fix-it talents of my sweetheart.  He had it fixed in an hour.   Enjoyed having Rob here for lunch on Saturday - so nice to visit with him!   Michelle has been to Albuquerque & will be returning on Monday! Dad and I watched a basketball game together on Sat evening we enjoy that!  It was also special to talk to Vicki this week.

     Today we were in Thermopolis.  In the Thermopolis Ward we did hands on training during Sunday School time then attended RS/Priesthood. It was nice to attend Sacrament Meeting in the Owl Creek Branch then do training there during SS time.  Our most special thing to hear is:    "Oh, this is the first time I have found a name!"  or "I always thought Grandma or Uncle  had done it all so I haven't even tryed - I'm surprised there are names that need ordinances done!"  What a blessing it is to find a name of a family member, both for the deceased relative & for the one who finds it, then they can do the temple ordinances!

    it has been an amazing week - so many special things happened! Feel so very blessed!    Love you all & CTR   Love you so    Mom & Dad

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year to each of you!

Dearest Family,
     Happy New Year to each of you!
     Happy 2nd Anniversary to Lindsay & Connor on Tuesday, Jan 3rd.  Then if all goes as planned, the delivery date for their twins is on January 8th, but we all know baby's have minds of their own! Happy Birthday on Thursday to McKinzea!  Hope you have a great day!  
     Kirena's Friday post - about Cozy Dec 30,2016 & a picture! · 
🎈Happy Two Weeks, little girl. We are so proud of your strength and bravery. Keep growing, tiny cub.

     Well, every week is special & this one has been no different!    Dad felt inspired to call a Bishop that we had been trying to talk with for several months!  This was the perfect week!   We have been able to work with him & his wife 3 times! We testify that guidance from the Holy Ghost is such a special gift available to all of us!  They are going to the temple on Tuesday & both have printed out names for the first time!  They are so excited!  
     We have enjoyed Skype training 7 different times this week!  Each week we help Terry & Elsie Peters, they were neighbors up the road & have now moved to Sheridan.  We are having lots of fun with them!
     It was great this week to have Tchae & Cheyane stop in for a visit!  Thanks so much for stopping by - we enjoyed it! Darece and I were not able to go to the Temple to sew on Tuesday , too nasty of weather in Montana.She will get some things on Friday so we can sew at home.

     It was so nice to be with Frank & Gaye & their families on Thursday for his mothers funeral. It was nice to visit at the dinner!  Then yesterday he called to invite us to their ward in Powell. He was called to be 1st councilor in the Powell 4th Bishopric.  We had two special events today at 1:00pm but couldn't make them both.   Melvin was sustained & received the Aaronic Phd then ordained a Deacon by Allen today in Worland.  Allen was also sustained as the scout master and set apart too. It was wonderful to be there with them!  So thankful for the Priesthood & it's power here on earth!  Witnessing Melvin's ordination today caused me to ponder on this amazing blessing in my life!  So often in the 50 years of our marriage, it has blessed our lives & the lives of our family.  Can't count the blessings of healing, comfort & direction in our lives! 
     We even went to Deaver Res & did a little ice fishing on Friday - 16 inches of ice with some snow in spots - beautiful day - a cold breeze occasionally - but there were NO hungry fish!   Maybe next time! Had a couple inches of dry snow this week too and below zero temps several nights. We did hear that Thermopolis had 50' temps and melted most of their snow . . . thats the diversity of weather in the Bighorn Basin! Dad got our new weather station setup this week and is doing the fine tuning now. His old one lasted about 10 yrs. 
      We spent New Years eve at home watching a couple specials on TV together then slept thru the rest of the "Ringing in of the new year"! Its been another awesome week!

Love to all of you & CTR!    Mom & Dad