Tuesday, April 5, 2016

We so enjoyed General Conference!

Dearest Family!   
    Happy 10th Birthday to Ira on Friday, April 8 & Happy Birthday to Kirena on Saturday, April 9th!  Hope you each have a great day!   
    What a wonderful way to end this week!  We so enjoyed General Conference!  It is always so uplifting & inspiring!  surely gives us all lots to think about & work on!
    Had one of those happy sad calls early Tuesday morning telling us that Shirley Busteed had died last night and would not be here for our weekly indexing time. It's been such a blessing to work with her and other elderly folks so they can still serve the Lord in their senior years. We are sure she was met by thousands of people that she had found thru indexing.

    The rest of our week was pretty routine, Public Library on Monday, Helped a young Mother on Tuesday afternoon, she is excited to get her family, ages 3 to 12 years involved with Family History.  Her husband’s family are converts back one generation!  It will be fun for all of them.  We also were in Cody one evening, working with the Leaders of several wards.  We also were blessed to begin working with a Montana Stake for the first time!   Have a FHE scheduled with the High councilor over Family History in that stake!
    On March 30, our stake completed a goal!   The Youth Family History Consultants had initiated a “Million Names” Indexing project.  In 16 months, members of the stake have indexed over a Million Names!   It is amazing!

    We have enjoyed doing some outside things.  Dad got a new tool to cut the curly leaf pond weed that came into our pond last year, it works really slick and he made a big floating rake to remove the floating weeds once cut. This is an invasive species that started near Cody in the Shoshone River a year ago. The weather has been beautiful most of the week, except for our snow storm the evening we came home from  Cody!
    We love you all – have a great week
Mom & Dad

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