Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It was another busy evening in the Family History Center!

Dearest family! 
    Another great week!  We love all the conferences, they are so very great & inspiring!  It is also so very nice to get back into the routine of our regular meeting schedule! We enjoyed the classes we have taught today & the open library time! There were miracles today in a new group just starting, people who are obedient to our Stake President but scared to death of the computer! Youth Consultants met at 6:00 p.m. They have an indexing project that they will be starting in the Stake soon!
    It was another busy evening in the Family History Center!  3-4 of the youth usually stay, & other patrons.  The Sister Missionaries were in with  two new converts getting their info into Family Search!   So special to work with them!
    The rest of the week has been busy also, with all kinds of things.  On evenings when we don’t have an appointment we go up on Snells place to hunt for deer – so far they are staying clear of us!  We see a big bunch of bucks, but our license's are for does! We will keep working on this, since our season lasts until the end of the year! There also were maintenance projects like new tires on the Rave! A hair cut for me, that’s a necessity, occasionally! We have had appointments this week also!  We attended the funeral for Laura Nation, one of Grandma Crofts cousins.
    Time in the temple on Friday was so wonderful!  Would sure like to figure out why it has to be so very cold in there, tho!

    It was great to have Allen, Amber & children here on Saturday!   Allen, Dad, Melvin & Ira went fishing in the morning caught some big saugers but only landed one 4 lber.! Myself, Amber, her sister Rachelle, Camille, & Leanne went to a craft fair!  Saw some pretty things! In the afternoon, Leanne, Amber & I went to a Luncheon – Baby Shower for Rhonda!  That was so very nice, enjoyed visiting & seeing her pretty gifts! Dad had found some pictures which he helped Melvin & Ira enter into Family Search!
    Late afternoon, Bo & McKinzea came by!  She had a project for school, taking pictures, an assignment. Leanne & I helped with that.  We have several 80 yr+ folks we work with each week, they are so thrilled to be able to do indexing or work on their trees. It is so special to share their success and increased spirituality. They are so grateful for the new ways even though they  need constant consultant help that we offer so they can do it! We are so thankful to be able to be there for them each week! ! !
    Our love to all of you & CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

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