Tuesday, November 4, 2014

“Has it just been one day today?”

Dearest Family!   
    It’s 9:20 p.m. & Bro Croft & I just arrived home!   Or is it 10:20 p.m.     “Has it just been one day today?” I asked.    What an amazing day we have had, leaving home at 7:30 a.m.  Took a lunch to eat in Cowley, & have a quick supper at home then back to the church at 5:40-9:20.   Yes, we still do love it!   Testimony meeting was wonderful!   Classes were amazing, with Brothers & Sisters busy learning & enjoying the spirit of this work. Today it just seemed like everything went great – the consultants in each class were helping & we were able to give everyone special time & attention! 
    Again, tonight we met with our Youth Consultants.  They are an amazing group of young people! They are finalizing plans for a Youth Indexing challenge in our stake.   They want to index 1 Million names!  During November, they are visiting the wards in the stake to teach them to index, one on one.   They believe that is the best way to teach. In December  they will begin!

    The rest of the week has been great also,   Monday a.m. Bob was able to get our first deer!   At the Public library, a Deacon comes in, home schooled, so he can do this!   He loves FH!   He found a marriage record in Switzerland that extended his family one generation!  It had the names of the parents of the Bride & Groom whom he didn’t know!  We were so excited! He also wants to interview grandparents & put their audio stories in. Tues, Wed, & Thurs were filled with our normal appts. 
    Friday hunted again & in the afternoon 4 ladies came to help quilt!   Many hands can sure do more than my two – both sides of the quilt were rolled, it seems this one is going much faster than the two before, 
    And Saturday a.m.   Dad & I went fishing – very fun morning, In two hours, we caught 5 fish, brought 3 big catfish home, yum!!!!   Let a catfish & a ling go.
CTR & we love you all!    Bro & Sis Croft

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