Monday, May 5, 2014

Our Sunday – extra busy –

May 4, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    Our Sunday – extra busy – There were two first lessons taught in adult classes, a photo lesson, they are always so fun!  & several open workshops!  I had a busy, working Mom come in, she wants to work during SS - she has little time during the week,   We started, just reviewing the program, connecting the tree & looking at photos!  She is excited.  Like others, she loved the photo part & the idea of family entering stories about parents & grandparents.   In one of the classes several very special spiritual experiences were shared!  One told of his son, who has struggled, now married, & has gotten really excited about FH – is taking his parents to the temple to help with all the names he is finding. A youth consultant shared how she feels the power of protection from the adversary in her life ‘just as Bro Bednar promised & how it has changed her family. She also told about a Priest-Laurel Temple Excursion where they bought all the names which they did!  A third told of writing for adoption papers for her deceased father & the things she learned about him & his two siblings. What power there is in this work!

    Had a wonderful lunch with Mark Urbanik – he is a NWC college friend of Allens, prior to his mission, & became Bro Croft’s fishing partner when Allen went on his mission!  He is part of the  in Red Lodge, Montana.  They have resident artists who live in the town plus do all kinds of classes and guest artist in residence programs.  Mark brought us one of his pottery pieces which he made – what an artist he is!! His wife Sarah is from Worland and they have two sons 16 and 12 yrs. We plan to go see them on one of our trips back from the temple.
    Our days were full of house calls to Cowley and Lovell folks providing a wide range of help on FH and indexing. Plus I had my annual med checkup and we went to Dr Mitchel for our monthly chiropractic visit, we really enjoyed the visit, his techniques are the same as we are used to.  It’s hard to switch from our own Dr Fike and his wonderful services! ! !

    Our evenings were busy this week also!  We were able to work with a High Priest Group leader & his wife who was just called as a FH Consultant!  They will be a great team!  She teaches school & is counting the days until summer when she can spend more time adding pictures!
    We also enjoyed another evening with a sister who was learning to do pictures & preparing to do Multiple page PDF documents.  She is the family member who has inherited all that relates to FH.
    Special thanks to some of the Grants who helped with ditch cleaning & window washing, the outdoors looks extra good!  Saturday, we went to Thermopolis for the burial of Kathy Croft’s Mother.   It was good to see them & offer our support!  We also spent some time at Allen’s. Amber had some things in her FH which we were able to correct.  We had a very brief contact with Phil & Emma Lynn, who used to be neighbors.  We understand they will be back soon, & hopefully will be able to visit  more then.
    The farmers are finally getting some sugar beets planted in our area and the grain fields are very green. It is great to have spring!!!
We love you all!!! CTR 
Love Bro & Sis Croft

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