Monday, April 28, 2014

April 27, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Monday – expected water company to work on water project today – Canceled time in public library. I had my lady whom I work with every week come to the house-was great!   No drillers, they had had problems down the road with the work there.
    Tuesday – Our Tuesday morning indexer canceled – She was not going to have electricity because a power pole was being replaced which had burned in a weed fire on Saturday.    Bob stayed at home in the afternoon, water drillers did come for 2 hrs.  I was able to go to a home, to help a sister who wants to get started!  She has a new laptop, very little computer experience, & loads of desire.  She has a family friend who passed away a year ago.  He was just getting active when he passed & he had asked her to do the temple work for his wife.  This is her main goal! Worked mainly on computer skills today!  She is a sweet heart! Had a great night in the FHC!

    Wednesday – They drilled a little this a.m. having trouble!    I went ahead & went to FHC meeting, then to a sister’s home!   She shared with me a special experience!   She had been looking for a note with a death date on it for some time. Had reached a point of frustration & just written to a relative to get it again.   Next morning, the note was on her desk!  Also helped another sister in the afternoon.

    Thursday – drillers here again,  broke their bit. Don’t know what they are going to do!  A ward FH consultant helped me in Cowley, since Bro Croft needed to be here at home today.   Had a great day in Cowley with several people!  I returned to help the sister with the new laptop.  We had some info on the wife, but lacked a marriage date & people we called didn’t know when it was.  As we were about to finish, a thought came to call the court house!   She picked up the phone, & had the info in just a few minutes, and a copy in the mail to her house! We felt so blessed!!!

    Friday – No drillers expected – Hurray we can go to the temple!   We have been wanting to do sealings so today was the day!  It was so special!   Our sealer was a member of the Temple presidency and he ask about our FH mission. And in between doing the sealings, one of the witnesses (an ordinance worker) was fascinated & wanted to know about our mission. Could we help him? He had many questions & had tried to get them answered to no avail.  He lives in Laurel, so we stopped on the way home to help him for 2 1/2 hrs.  He & his wife are both converts, 30 years ago. It was an amazing story!  
    Saturday – Helped at the Earth Day Program in town!  Had several people ask about our mission & what we did? Bro Croft helped our friend in Laurel by phone for several hours!  Had a lot of wind and rain thru the night. 

    Sunday – We love them, it was a great day with several classes & open library times, new  people in, Little miracles continue to happen, in the Lords time, in quiet & special ways! Bro Croft continued to help several new HP group leaders.  Wow, it has been amazing to watch them catch the spirit of the work.   Both have not been interested in the FH work, but the spirit of Elijah is quickly touching their hearts!  They were so enthused today in their ward FH classes! It was busy at the FHC last night some youth also in finding names!
   Our love goes out to Kathy Croft whose mother passed away last night!
    Sorry I am late, our router died last night!   Have it replaced now!

Our Love & CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

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