Monday, May 12, 2014

A very Happy Mother’s Day to all ........

May 11, 2014

Dearest Family,
    A very Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mothers we have in the family!  We are also grateful for all the very special young ladies ‘Mothers in Embryo’ also!  Happy Anniversary to Rob & Michelle!   Happy Birthday to Rob on Saturday!  Congratulations to Kenny & Rosie, August 23 & Ethan & Bekah, July 19.  Our love & prayers to Kathy Croft, her father passed away on Saturday, services will be on Wed in Thermopolis. We are happy we will be able to go.

    Thanks to all of you for your Birthday & Mother’s Day visits, cards & gifts. Both days were great!  It is always so special to talk to each one you!  Love you all!  We enjoyed having the Grants stop by tonight to visit!
    Our week has been a busy one, with appointments each day!   One of the high lights was a group of Activity Day girls on Wednesday!  They get so excited, several were writing stories about activities with family members.  They also love to see the pictures!  As we were finishing up the activity, several of the girls were showing each other the different things they each had done, helping each other.  Also on Wednesday evening, we had Family History consultant Training Meeting.  We had all of them go into & look for places where with a little research, they could find cousins who needed temple ordinances done! It was exciting to  have everyone working on it. Today was great also!  Classes went well. During open workshops, we had new people in.

    I had fun helping Rosie on Thurs in the Cowley bldg do FH. We were able to find several new things so she can do more research!   That evening we went to Rocky Mtn school to support so many of our youth we work with, in the musical “A Pirates Life for Me”. It was very enjoyable time! ! We also caught a rain-less afternoon to mow the orchard. We have had over 3/4” of rain this week, a little each day.

    On Friday, Rob & his friend Steve from Casper, came by to visit!  Enjoyed visiting with both of them.  He had came to fish with Rob!   The weather was a little rainy!  Also on Friday, Bob helped Ken with a scout campout in the field!  They did their annual nature walk, identifying plants & animals & signs of animals!   They also all enjoyed fishing in the pond – the sunfish & bluegills do lots of biting & are fun to catch, even if they are small.
    Saturday, Gaye, Evee & three of her children brought the sheep down to eat off our pasture and all the early weeds!  The kids enjoyed doing a little fishing also!
Love you all  & CTR 
   Bro & Sis Croft

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