Monday, May 1, 2017

Oh, how I love technology!

April 30, 2017

Dearest Family!
     Oh, how I love technology! I had much of the letter written & somehow just lost it!  Super frustration!!!! Well, it has been another wonderful week!  The weather has been much cooler with snow in the wonderful state we live in!  Here it is, already the end of April, time really flys!
     As you have probably already noticed, I didn't get the letter sent last week - it was written but never mailed.  Monday & Wednesday of this week, I helped at the local Blood draw from 6:30 to 10:00 a.m.  On Tuesday, Darece & I went to Billings, leaving early.  Mornings are when I usually do these things.
     Our Sunday today was much like last week only we went to Meeteetse, another small ward only this one is smaller, with most of its leadership coming from Cody & Powell. We love visiting these smaller units - such a sweet spirit there. Again we spoke in Sac Mtg then presented a 5th Sunday Lesson.  Even during SS time I helped several people set up their LDS Acct &  get the apps downloaded.  Dad was busy setting up for our class. In both of these buildings we set up our own wifi hot spot running a wire directly to the chapel where we are giving our class, otherwise there is not enough service.   Again, the saints are so amazed that they can find a name!  They are excited to learn about adding stories & pictures, also!  What a blessing it can be in our lives! Today it was great to help a brother & his son, so discouraged because they just couldn't get there tree set up & knew something should be there.   Miracles happen & while Dad & I were helping him & others, abt 30-40, he happened to locate a duplicate.   I had said to him,  "If you will stay a few minutes after, I am sure I can help you"   and with what he found we were able to get one side of his tree connected. He & his son were both so excited & then he felt he could talk to his mother, get several names & could get the other side connected!  He is preparing to go to the temple with his son & they will both do family names.
     After attending meetings in Meeteetse, we traveled to Burlington to visit a ward who just got a new bishop, Matt McNiven. We enjoyed their 5th Sunday lesson on preparedness, then went on to Worland.There we went to a piano recital.  Ira & Leanne both played twice! They both did great!
      The rest of the week was filled with Skype trainings, some home visits, yard work, etc. The lawns are over 7" tall due to the rains and not being able to mow them.  Dad has been doing a little preventive maintenance so that maybe if we have another flood,  we feel more confident it will run away from the house! 
      Vicki's last report on Cozy as of April 25, some of you may have already received it:
"It sure feels way longer than a week since Cozy had her surgery. She is doing great:)  She weighs over 9 lbs! She still needs oxygen and her feeding tube. It is expected that she will have those when she comes home as well. She takes abt 20-30 ccs from a bottle.  She should be able to go home when her eyes are more developed.  the way I undestand it - at home Cozy would only have access to 100% oxygen.  In the hospital, it's mixed oxygen.  the 100% oxygen can damage eyes that are not fully developed  It's been so nice to be able to hold and love her without feeling like we are hurting her:)
Well, we send our love to all,   Mom & Dad

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