Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Happy Wedding Day! Cheyenne & Tchae!

Dearest Family,
     Happy Wedding Day!  Cheyenne & Tchae!   It was wonderful to be in the temple with them on Saturday, May 2Oth  What special day for them & all of use who were able to be there with them!
     The Fikes arrived on Thursday afternoon!  There had been lots of snow in the southern part of Wyoming so they left Laramie earlier than they had planned. We enjoyed having them here for a little extra time. Thursday evening some of the Grants came over & Rob was also here!   Had fun just sitting around viisiting!  Friday, we all helped the Fikes, they were hosting a Taco Dinner over in Burlington, prior to the reception.   It was for those arriving from out of town, & those who had been decorating, etc.  Anyway we were busy here cutting, chopping, frying, etc to get the dinner ready so they could leave by 4:00 p.m. The reception was so nice, with lots of people attending both from Powell & Burlington.
     One day took a drive out to the lake - water is very low - in preparation for a huge run off as the weather continues to warm.. Most of the water sheds have over 200% normal snow this year!
      Darece & I went to Billings on Tuesday - had a nice time working in the laundry - kept busy hemming slips & sewing labels on them. Did a little shopping before & after - had a wonderful time!  Dad attended the funeral for Jerry Wellman that morning.  
     On Wednesday I worked with two ladies, & Dad had company!  Rosie & Kenny are doing a video about Lovell so she came out to interview him. Darece, McKenzea & the three little girls were also here, swinging & just having fun!  Not fun for me because I missed it!
     Today was so nice, traveled to the Big Timber Montana Branch, 2 1/2 hour drive each way.  We did classes during SS time & last hour. Several shared experiences which they had had doing the ordinances for family members!
Thursday  update from Vicki:
Updates o)  not much Cozy news.  she is still hospitalized at least thru Monday. Neurology will look at some things Monday & decide the next step.  Cozy in general seems to be doing ok.  the infection should be almost gone. She is having some heart issues that are not explained yet.  She has been moved to a surgery unit just because it has the heart monitor that she needs.  Her head is beginning to swell so that will need to be addressed in the next few weeks- hopefully they won't let it get too bad.

Sunday update & a precious video:Cozy was cute yesterday:) her hair is pretty gunky because of the monitors, and they can't wash her hair yet with the incisions still so new- she is pretty sticky:)

Love to all of you Mom & Dad

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