Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Another amazing week

May 28, 2017
Dearest Family, 
     Happy 74th Birthday to Bob on Tuesday,May 30.  Happy Birthday to Bo on Friday, June 2!  Have a great day!!!!  It was Kaitlyn's HS Graduation on  Tuesday evening!  Congrats!!!! Kaitlyn!
     Another amazing week with many special opportunities for training.  Started out the week Skype training a Ward Temple & Family History Consultant. She's is so excited.  We sent her screen clips then she called on Saturday evening. They were not opening correctly, so we helped her with that.  She wanted to use them to.  Abt 80, young at heart, & has amazing computer skills! 
     We have helped a new High councilor over T&FH, & were able to be in the home of a High Priest Group leader. Miracles happened & he was able to find a new family to add to Family Search!  I was able to help his wife recover her acct info & we found a sealing of a child to her parents, how special that is, Can't leave out any of those special little ones.
     On Thursday evening, we had the opportunity to do training here in Lovell with the TFH Consultants, it is always great to work at home.  It is fun to train them to climb around in someones tree, so they can have a successful experience helping people to find a family member to provide ordinances for!

     We were able to visit with Wendy, who is involved in "mobile app awareness: in SLC. That was a fun visit & we will be doing more with others in this department!      
     Feel very blessed also this week - there were several days that I had a very swollen knee & of course the first thing that comes to mind is blood clots, but it was only old "arthur-itis" rearing his ugly head!  Turn 70 & one starts falling apart!  Went to the Doctor & he gave me some exercises which strength the muscles above the knee & help! A special Priesthood blessing was the best part!

     Dad kept busy outside each day with all the weeds. He uses the mower and weed eater to keep areas open for daily use and will let the sheep do their thing once we get them. He did some irrigating this week too. Our water lilies in both ponds will be blooming this week, also our day lilies. One of the California quail pairs has some eggs in her nest! Dad also put a couple eggs under a pigeon to set on. Our plum trees got frosted a couple weeks ago so all the little plums have dropped off. We'll have to see what the apple tree fruit does?  He would like to let the pigeons out but still goshawks are still around to eat them. We hope it is soon time for them to head to the mountains!

     Today we were able to setup who we will be staying with over the next two months in the Bozeman area on weekends. So many generous saints out there willing to serve us!  It's been a very blessed week!
     Below you will find a link to an interview done in Idaho with he & his wife.  There are some very special thoughts in it!   Enjoy!  
     Here is also the latest update from Vicki on Cozy:   Cosettes home again:) on her 2 months old -from her due date- anniversary. Kirena will keep close track of cozy's head for any swelling. We sure hope the ablation is successful!!

    Love you all Mom & Dad    

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