Monday, March 6, 2017

Well - this week we have stayed pretty close to home!

Dearest Family,
     Well - this week we have stayed pretty close to home!  Dad's making progress with his coughing bug & I am a couple of days behind him.  This too shall pass!
      On Tuesday we were to train Missionaries in Billings - but did it over Skype!  We didn't need to breathe on all of them. It went great until they tried to use their mobile devices and FS in SLC was down. There have been two major updates in FS recently and we suspect they ran into some un-forseen glitches. The missionaries will have to practice on their own later.  On WednesdayEvening we were help a Ward Youth Group - Dad stayed home, I went & we had other helpers - so appreciate them.  Also did a Skype training with a High councilor over FH in Arizona. FS in SLC had referred him to us so we could help him learn the mobile apps. He and his wife were so excited on what could be done on mobile! We did most of our training activities over the phone this week!  And sometimes that works but on-site is better whenever possible!!

      Had wonderful visits this week by phone with of the Ky & Joy, also Isaac & Vicki! Had a wonderful short visit also with Tchae.  He came to Lovell to go to a wedding reception on Saturday evening & spent the afternoon with us. I fitted his new suit & will alter it a little.  He even quilted on their wedding quilt for a while! He drove back to Casper after the reception. Dad attended the funeral for Melba Tippetts (90+) today to support this family that we have know so many years.
     Today was a busy day for Dad, he went to the Greybull Ward to train the new Bishop and WC in FH matters. It was a wonderful day for him since the ward is ready to get going in FH at all levels. He also spoke to the HP grp, YM and YW groups sharing the blessing that the Lord promises to those who do FH in any of its forms! I stayed home & had a very quiet day! Dad reviewed his day with me this evening, sharing all the spiritual events he witnessed today.

We love you all - Have a great week!!!!    Love Mom & Dad

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