Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dearest Family,
     Well, it has been a wonderful week!  We have enjoyed doing phone visits, Skyping, & visiting with people in their homes. It is great to be feeling better & enjoying being out & about!  
     We were in one home this week when a lady stopped by doing a Drug survey for some company!  She apologized for interrupting but we mentioned what we were doing & she was super interested, not a member, but fascinated that there was a place that it could be done with out paying!  She was a person that believed that God's hand was in all we did - shared with us a time when she had $80 dollars - pay a bill - & that was it for some time.  She was to meet someone whom she supervised do a Census enumeration project,at a McDonalds.  When she grabbed the door handle to go in, this powerful impression came over her that she was to give the $80 to someone inside.  When she got inside, there was only one person there, she put the money on the table by her, the lady bust into tears of gratitude, & wanted info so she could sometime pay her back, which she refused to give her.   Later that week she received in the mail a refund from a company of $80 dollars, so then she could pay her bill!   She felt she had been guided in the same way to us, to learn about Family History!    We will see what happens!  but, it does remind me that all people are guided to do good things & be of service to others!
     Today we started our day in Byron in their Sacrament meeting, then on to Powell & attended two wards there, speaking in their Sacrament Meetings.  The second one in Powell was Aunt Gaye & Uncle Frank's ward.   it was nice to attend the rest of the meetings there.  We so enjoy sharing our testimonies & the blessing of others of our Apostles with the Saints.  We are so gratelul for the guidance & protection we receive!
       It has also been a nice week here at home, some outside work, some quilting, Dad & Rob went biking for a while on Saturday!  
      A report on the newest Greats,   the Hellberg twins are both over 8 lbs.  & Cozy weighs almost 6 lbs.   We are looking forwards to the arrival of Kenny & Rosie's little gal in about three weeks!  And to those who haven't heard, Bo & McKenzea are expecting a little boy in July!   Our Family contunies to Grow-w-w-!
     We love you all & are excited to have the Fike's here this coming weekend.
Love  Mom & Dad

I have add the latest updates on our little ones - I think most of you probably see it on Facebook, but excuse the duplication.
Paisley & Brindle weighed in at 8 lbs 3oz & 8 lbs 11oz as of last week.
Below is Cozy's report;
12 weeks old.
Nearly 38 gestational weeks.
As we get closer and closer to her due date, Cozy has three, basic hurdles that she needs to tackle before she will be allowed to come home:
1) Eyes need to be "cleared".
We are seemingly at the home stretch for this one. Eyes are unchanged and look to be improving slightly with each passing week. Perfect! ✔️
2) The reservoir...
We are at the point where doctors need to decide-
Will Cozy be able to drain her CSF on her own?
Will she need a second surgery to insert a permanent shunt?
Chances are extremely (and by "extremely", I mean EXTREMELY) high that a shunt will be necessary. We hope to hear more about a plan of action sometime this next week.
(Honestly, I just wish they would schedule the dang thing so we could move on!)
3) Feedings 🍼
This area has been incredibly slow-going. Cozy will take a pacifier at times, but she is mostly uninterested and uncomfortable with things in her mouth. We still have yet to try a bottle, but are taking very small, positive, baby steps to prepare her for mouth feeds. At this point, we still don't know if she has the skills to swallow. Time will tell (<--- my whole life lately!).
If Cozy continues to show an aversion to mouth feedings, the hospital would be willing to forego that milestone and send her home with the feeding tube. However, her eyes and head "situation" will need to be resolved before her homecoming. It could be before her due date... it could be weeks after... Could be a month after... We really have no idea yet :/
Other than that, our girl is stable, almost six pounds, and just as sweet as can be

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